胖子喜欢社交。即使你脾气有些古怪,脸上有粉刺,他们也会喜欢你。在你没能写出那本伟大的美国小说时,他 们会为你找到一个很好的理由。他们同你一起借酒浇愁。他们凑钱买东西时会把你的名字也写上。他们会帮你摆脱困境。胖子喜欢闲聊、傻乐、狂笑、 狂蹦乱跳、转来转去,爱传小道消息。他们慷慨,大方,豪爽。他们贪吃,漂亮,伟大。你心情不好时需要温柔和轻松,而不是强劲和持重。胖 子懂得这个道理。他们肚量大,容得下你。
Fat people are convivial. They will like you even if you're irregular and have acne. They will come up with a good reason why you never wrote the great American novel. They will cry in your beer with you. They will put your name in the pot. They will let you off the hook. Fat people will gab, giggle, guffaw, gallumph, gyrate and gossip. They are generous, giving and gallant. They are gluttonous and goodly and great. What you want when you're down is soft and jiggly, not muscled and stable. Fat people know this. Fat people have plenty of room. Fat people will take you in.
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