


2019年06月26日 09:34:19来源:翻译资格考试网


【Passage 1】


【参考译文】Located in the west of Dujiangyan City of Sichuan Province, Dujiangyan is a large-scale water conservancy project constructed in ancient China and operated till now. Known as “the ancestor of world water conservancy culture”, it is a famous tourist attraction in Sichuan Province. It is commonly believed that the construction of the Dujiangyan water conservancy project was led by Li Bing, Shu Satrap of the Qin Dynasty and his son and was completed around 256 BC. Being “the antique, only retained and grand water conservancy project characterized by diversion without dam”, Dujiangyan was included in the World Heritage List as a natural heritage site together with Mount Qingcheng in 2000.

【Passage 2】

云冈石窟位于中国北部山西省大同市西郊17公里处的武周山南麓,石窟依山开凿,东西绵延1公里。存有主要洞窟45个,大小窟龛252个,石雕造像51000余躯,为中国规模zui大的古代石窟群之一,与敦煌莫高窟、洛阳龙门石窟和天水麦积山石窟并称为中国四大石窟艺术宝库。 2001年12月14日被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。

【参考译文】The Yungang Grottoes are located at the southern foothill of Mount Wuzhou, 17km from western suburbs of Datong City, Shanxi Province in northern China. The Grottoes were carved into the mountain with an east-west distance of 1km. It comprises 45 main caves, 252 niches and over 51,000 stone statues. As one of the largest ancient grotto groups in China, The Yungang Grottoes, together with the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, the Luoyang Longmen Grottoes and the Tianshui Maijishan Grottoes, are called the four grotto art treasures of China. On December 14, 2001, Yungang Grottoes were included in the World Heritage List by UNESCO.

【Passage 3】


【参考译文】The Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas consist of eight geographical clusters of protected areas within the boundaries of the Three Parallel Rivers National Park in the mountainous north-west of Yunnan Province. The 1.7 million hectare site features sections of the upper reaches of three of the great rivers of Asia: the Yangtze, Mekong and Salween run roughly parallel, north to south, through steep gorges which, in places, are 3,000m tall and are bordered by glaciated peaks more than 6,000m high. The site is an epicenter of Chinese biodiversity. It is also one of the richest temperate regions of the world in terms of biodiversity. In July 2003, The Three Parallel Rivers of Yunnan Protected Areas was included in the World Heritage List by UNESCO as a natural heritage site.





