


2019年04月25日 16:14:41来源:翻译资格考试网



弹性外交elastic diplomacy

度假外交holiday-making diplomacy

全方位外交multi-faceted diplomacy

民间外交people-to-people diplomacy

举行新闻发布会give a news briefing

特命全权大使ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary

巡回大使roving ambassador


特使special envoy

特派大使 ambassador extraordinary

特任大使 ambassador with special function

总领事 consul-general

外交人员 diplomatic personnel

友好外交 friendship diplomacy

外交准则 diplomatic norms

外交惯例 diplomatic practice

外交特权 diplomatic privileges

外交活动 diplomatic activities

外交交涉 diplomatic representations

外交辞令 diplomatic parlance

外交使节 diplomatic envoy

文化使节 cultural ambassador

大使馆/领事馆 Embassy/Consulate

外交豁免权 diplomatic privileges

(不)受欢迎的人 persona (non)grata

递交国书 present credentials

普通照会 verbal note

正式照会 formal note

入境签证 entry visa

境签证 transit visa

召见 summon(somebody)

约见 make an appointment with

参见 pay one’s respects to

正式拜会 pay an official call upon…

礼节性拜会 courtesy call

应.…之邀 at the invitation of

公约 pact/convention

条约 treaty

议定书 protocol

会谈记要 minutes of meetings

最后通牒 ultimatum

《中美上海公报》 Joint Communiqu6 between the PRC and the USA

《上海共识》 Shanghai Accord

《中英联合声明》 Sino-British Joint Declaration

最惠国 the most-favored nation

礼仪之邦 a nation of etiquette

坚持独立自主的和平外交政策 to adhere/stick to the independent foreign policy of peace

和平共处五项原则 the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

互相尊重主权和领土完整 mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity

互不侵犯 mutual non-aggression

互不干涉内政 non-interference in each other’s internal affairs

平等互利、和平共处 equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence

中国不参加军备竞赛,不搞军事扩张。China will never participate in any arms race,nor will it engage in military expansion

中国坚决反对任何形式的霸权主义、强权政治和侵略扩张行为 China is firmly opposed to hegemonism power politics and expansion in whatever form.

中国不以社会制度和意识形态的异同来决定国家关系的亲疏 China will not allow difference in social systems and ideology to affect state-to-state relations。

在国际性和地区性问题上有许多共同之处 to have much in common on international and regional issues

建立国际政治经济新秩序 to establish a new international political and economic order

严格遵守国际关系基本准则 to strictly observe the basic norms governing international relations

合国宪章的宗旨和原则 the purposes and principles of the UN Charter

公认的国际关系基本准则 the accepted norms of international relations

政治多元化和 经济自由化 political pluralism and economic liberalization

经济全球化是当今世界不可抗拒的发展潮流 Economic globalization has become an irreversible trend.

和平与发展仍然是当今世界的两大主题 Peace and development remain the two overriding issues of our time。

国际社会应树立以互信、互利、平等、协作为核心的新安全观The international community should adopt a new concept of international security based on mutual trust,reciprocal benefit and equality. ”

营造长期稳定、安全、可靠的的国际和平环境 to create an international environment of durable peace , stability and security.

我们坚决谴责和反对一切形式的国际恐怖主义 We firmly condemn and oppose all forms of terrorism。

国际恐怖主义已构成对世界和平与稳定的重大威胁 International terrorism is a serious threat to world peace and stability.

“东突”恐怖分子 “East Turkistan”terrorists

加深了解,扩大共识,相互学习,共同前进 to deepen understanding, expand consensus and learn from each other so as to achieve progress together

保卫世界和平safeguard world peace

保持力量平衡maintain a balance of power

裁军会谈/谈判disarmament talks/negotiations

中国驻莫斯科/俄国大使馆the Chinese Embassy to Moscow/in Russia

中国驻日本/东京大使the Chinese Ambassador to Japan/in Tokyo

美国驻上海领事馆办理学生申请签证事宜The American Consulate in Shanghai deals with students’ visa applications

总理应邀对日本进行过失访问/正式访问The Premier paid a state visit/an official visit to Japan on invitation

在机场检阅仪仗队review the guard of honour at the airport

举行宴会/招待会招待贵宾give a banquet/a reception in honor of the distinguished guests

与该国签订友好与互不侵犯条约sign/conclude a treaty of friendship and mutual non-aggression with that country

签署交换留学生 / 科技合作协议sign an agreement on exchange of students/on scientific and technical cooperation

条约将与7月5日生效The treaty will come into force/take effect on July 5th

促进共同繁荣和发展 to promote common prosperity and development

用和平方式解决争端 to settle/resolve disputes by peaceful means

通过外交途径进行谈判 to negotiate through diplomatic channels

不结盟 non-alignment

不对抗 non-confrontation

不针对第三国 non-targeting at any third country

和睦相处 to live/coexist with each other in harmony

求同存异 seek common ground while preserving(reserving)differences

民族意识/国家尊严 national identity/dignity

实行全方位的对外开放政策 carry out an all—dimensional opening up policy

承担作为一个发展中国家应承担的义务 ready to undertake the obligations as a developing country

享受应当享受的权利 enjoy the rights one deserves

发展睦邻友好关系 to develop good-neighborly friendship

促进南北对话 to promote North-south dialogue

发展南南合作 to enhance South-South cooperation

减轻债务负担 to reduce/cut back debt burdens

放宽技术转让条件 to reduce/ease restrictions on technology transfer

全面禁止和彻底销毁核武器 the complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons

赞成不扩散各类大规模杀伤武器 to stand for the non—proliferation of all weapons of mass destruction

全面禁止核、生、化武器 to ban comprehensively nuclear,biological and chemical weapons

践踏/违反国际法和国际关系准则 to trample upon international law and the norms of international relations

北约东扩 the eastward expansion of NATO

冷战思维 a Cold War mentality

人体炸弹 a suicide bomber

人权问题 the human rights issue

侵犯人权 violation of the human rights

流血事件 bloodshed/bloody event

侵犯别国主权 to infringe upon the sovereignty of other countries

以大欺小,以强凌弱 the big bullying the Small and the strong oppressing the weak

奉行胡萝卜加大棒政策 to pursue a carrot-and-stick policy

建立/中断/断绝外交关系to establish/suspend/sever diplomatic relations

向……提出强烈抗议 to lodge a strong protest with…

承担由此产生的一切后果 to bear all the consequences arising/resulting from it

无视中方的反对和照会 to disregard the opposition and representations of the Chinese side

停止干涉中国内政的错误行为 to stop the erroneous action of interfering in the internal affairs of China

建立面向21世纪的建设性战略伙伴关系 to establish a constructive strategic partnership oriented toward the 21st century

在中美三个联合公报的原则基础上发展两国关系 to develop bilateral relations on the basis of the principles set down in the three Sino-American joint communiques

处理好台湾问题是中美关系能否顺利发展的关键A proper settlement of the Taiwan issue holds the key to a smooth development of China-US relations

中日邦交正常化 the normalization of relations between China and Japan

一衣带水的友好邻邦 friendly neighbors separated by only a strip of water

以史为鉴,面向未来 to use history as a guide and mirror and look forward to the future

否认和歪曲历史的事件 incidents of denying and distorting history

以平等、互信为基础的中俄战略合作伙伴关系 the Sino-Russian strategic cooperative partnership based on equality and mutual trust

两国高层领导互访和定期会晤机制 the exchange of high-level visits and the mechanism of regular meetings between the two countries

建立上海合作组织 to establish the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

中欧之间没有直接的利害冲突,存在广泛的共同利益 China and Europe share many common interests.There are no direct conflicts of interest between them.

尊重他们根据本国国情自主选择政治制度和发展道路 to respect their choice of political system and development path suited to their own national conditions

顺应时代的要求和世界发展的潮流 to meet the needs of the times and follow the tide of world development





