案件受理费 court acceptance fee
案情陈述书 statement of case
案由 cause of action
案值 total value involved in the case
办案人员 personnel handling a case
辩护律师 defense attorney/lawyer
辩护证据 exculpatory evidence; defense evidence
辩论阶段 stage of court debate
补充答辩 supplementary answer
不公开审理 trial in camera
不可抗力 force majeure
不立案决定书 written decision of no case-filing
财产保全申请书 application for attachment; application for property preservation
撤销立案 revoke a case placed on file
答辩陈述书 statement of defense
打黑 crack down on evil forces
打假 crack down on counterfeit goods
大要案 major and serious criminal cases
倒票 speculative reselling of tickets
道德责任 moral obligation
地区管辖 territorial jurisdiction
调查笔录 record of investigation
定期宣判 pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date
定罪证据 incriminating evidence
二审案件 case of trial of second instance
罚款 impose a fine
法定证据 statutory legal evidence
法律文书 legal instruments/papers
法律援助 legal aid
法庭调查 court investigation
法庭审理笔录 court record
法院公告 court announcement
高级检察官 senior procurator
高级人民法院 higher people’s court
公安分局 public security sub-bureau
公开审理public trial
公司上市 company listing
公诉词 statement of public prosecution
公证机关 public notary office
共同管辖 concurrent jurisdiction
国际司法协助 international judicial assistance
国际诉讼 international litigation
国内诉讼 domestic litigation
合议庭 collegial panel
羁押期限 term in custody
监护责任 liability of guardian
监视居住 living at home under surveillance
检察权 prosecutorial power
鉴定结论 expert conclusion
经济审判庭 economic tribunal
拘传 summon by force; summon by warrant
举报 report of an offence
举证责任 burden of proof
开庭审理 open a court session
开庭通知 notice of court session
勘验笔录 record of inquest
看守所 detention house
抗税 refusal to pay taxes
劳动争议仲裁委员会 arbitration committee for labor disputes
劳改场 reform-through-labor farm
劳教所 reeducation-through-labor office
立案报告 place a case on file
利害关系人 interested party
连带责任 joint liability
律师惩戒 lawyer discipline
律师资格考试 bar exam; lawyer qualification exam
乱罚款 quotas and fines
乱收费 arbitrary charges
乱摊派 arbitrary requisition of donations
秘密侦察 undercover investigation
民事诉讼法 civil procedural law
民事责任 civil liability
派出所 police station
骗税 tax fraud
破案 clear up/crack/solve a criminal case
侵权责任 liability for tort
取保候审 bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving
缺席判决judge by defaust
人身权利 rights of the person
认定事实 determine facts
上诉状 petition for appeal
涉外案件 cases involving foreign interests
涉外律师 lawyers specially handling foreign-related matters
申请复议 administrative reconsideration petition
实物证据 tangible evidence
视听证据 audio-visual reference material
收容所 collecting post; safe retreat
书证 documentary evidence
司法部 Ministry of Justice
司法建议书 judicial advice
私了 settle a case out of court
送达 service of process
提起公诉 institute a public prosecution
通缉 wanted for arrest
偷税 tax evasion
网上犯罪 cyber crime
未成年人法庭 juvenile court
委托授权书 power of attorney
物证 material evidence
项目融资project financing
项目谈判 project negotiating
刑事拘留 criminal detention
刑事诉讼 criminal litigation
行政诉讼 administrative litigation
行政诉讼法 administrative procedural law
严打斗争 strike-hard operation
一审案件 case of trial of first instance
侦查终结 conclusion of investigation
证据保全 preserve evidence
执业登记 registration for practice
执业证年检 annual inspection of lawyer license
仲裁案件 arbitration case
仲裁机构 arbitration agency
仲裁委员会 arbitration committee
专职律师 professional lawyer
资信调查 credit standing investigation
自首 confession to justice
最后裁决书 final award
Some courts involved in pilot reform programs have accumulated useful experience.
These regulations are formulated in accordance with pertinent laws and regulations and in light of the concrete conditions of this city.
The present agreement will be valid for five years. It goes into effect immediately from the date of signature. Upon expiration, it may remain in force for five more years through consultation between both parties.
A people’s court shall not accept an action initiated by either of the parties if the parties have concluded and entered into an arbitration agreement unless the arbitration agreement is invalid.
This agreement is signed by the relevant parties on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business according to the following conditions agreed upon.
No provisions of prohibition to be imposed on the recipient to continue using the imported technology after expiration of the contract may be included in the contract without approval of the examing and approving organ.
We all assume the responsibility of protecting the legal rights and interests of women and children.
He has been charged with fraud, tax evasion and money laundering, and he shall be due in court in one month.
The government shall ban such fund-raising activities immediately to prevent more people from being cheated.
Although he was innocent according to law, his conduct was morally reproached.
Obviously the defense attorney has some evidence we fail to know.
For lack of incriminatory evidence, the suspect who had been caught with so much difficulty was released.
The government has taken severe measures to eliminate pornography and illegal publications so as to remove these public plagues.
According to law, an adopter may adopt one child only, male or female.