电子出版(electronic publishing)原本只在科学领域较为普遍,但如今它有了更为丰富的内涵(connotation)。电子出版包括电子书、数字报纸、数字期刊、数字图书馆等等。目前大部分的电子出版都是通过互联网实现的,但也有一小部分电子出版物并不依赖互联网进行传播。速度是电子出版一项最突出的优势,同时,由于制作这些出版物无需印刷,可以节约大量的资源。一项市场调查显示,到2015年底,世界上近一半的期刊和报纸的出版将实现数字化。
Originally, electronic publishing was common only in scientific field, but now it has a richer connotation. Electronic publishing includes electronic books, digital newspapers and magazines, digital libraries and so forth. Nowadays, most of the electronic publishing is achieved based on the Internet, but there are also a few electronic publications whose distribution does not rely on the Internet. Speed is the most distinctive advantage of electronic publishing. Meanwhile, since the publications need not to be printed, a lot of resources can be saved. A market research suggests that half of the publication of all magazines and newspapers in the world will be digitalized by the end of 2015.
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