《钦定词谱》是词谱书名,于清康熙五十四年 (1715),由陈廷敬、王奕等奉皇帝命令编纂,故称《钦定词谱》 或《康熙词谱》,简称《词谱》。《钦定词谱》收录了唐、五代、宋、元词共八百二十六调、二千三百零六体,是比较全面的词谱总集。
Poem Tune Collection Made by Imperioal Order
Poem Tune Collection Made by Imperial Order, the title of a poem tune collection, or Kangxi Poem Tune Collection or Poem Tune Collection for short, was compiled by Chen Tingjing and Wang Yi under imperial order in the 54th year of Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty (1715). As a relatively complete general collection of poetic tunes, it collects a total of 826 tunes and 2306 styles popular in the Tang Dynasty, the Five Dynasties, the Song Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty.
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- 2019年大学英语四级考试翻译练习题308-08
- 2019年大学英语四级考试翻译练习题208-08