


2019年02月14日 10:37:33来源:托福考试网



综合写作部分需要同学们先阅读, 然后再听, 最后才是写。咱们这次先看看阅读部分怎么破。下面以本年度最新爆款的TPO 54为例。


The Salton Sea in California is actually a salty inland lake. The level of salt in the lake's water—what scientists call its salinity—has been increasing steadily for years because the lake's water is evaporating faster than it is being replaced by rainfall or rivers. If the trend continues, the lake's water will soon become so salty that the lake will be unable to support fish and bird populations. The lake would then become essentially a dead zone. Fortunately, there are several ways to reverse the trend that is threatening the lake's health.

看到这么多的英文,首先要镇定, 然后从结构上入手。 综合写作的文章结构, 包括但不限于阅读部分, 都是总分结构为主。而写作的要求是归纳, 不是改写文章, 所以找中心, 找中心, 找中心 是重点。 大家不妨先试下迅速阅读文章, 看看这一段的中心说什么。

The level of salt in the lake's water has been increasing steadily because the lake's water is evaporating faster than being replaced by rainfall or rivers.

the lake's water will soon become so salty that the lake will be unable to support fish and bird populations.

there are several ways to reverse the trend that is threatening the lake's health.

以上就是这一段的中心信息, 其他均为水分, 可以挤掉了。 没有找对的同学, 建议再花五千年去读一下。

到目前为止, 综合写作的阅读文章均为 “1 + 3 ” - 即 一个主观点和 3个 副论点。 以上选段就是 主观点。

讲到这里,有同学可能要问 “ 有观点, 我要怎么写啊, 照抄么?” 。肯定不是啦, 下面我们就一起看看怎么样把上述的信息整合成标准的综合写作。

我们召唤出综合写作首段的常用句式 “The reading passage claims / proposes / cast doubts that ______ .” 注意斜体部分属于变量, 需要文章的实际阐述相应改变 (对上述几个词汇不熟悉的童鞋, 请自行查阅)。 根据这篇文章的语气, 暂先使用claim。 然后, 重点来了, 我们在之前的练习一共划出三个中心句, 而标准句式只是一个宾语从句, 那是不是意味着要把三个句子全部塞进去呢? 答案是“未必”。我们可以这么处理, 把三个中心句的主干抽出, 然后通过同义替换处理一下:

The level of salt in the lake's water has been increasing steadily because the lake's water is evaporating faster than being replaced by rainfall or rivers.

处理后:the concentration (通过阅读理解, level 可以引申为 “浓度”) of salt has been rising (近义词) constantly (同样通过阅读,把“稳定地”引申为“ 持续地”) due to the faster speed of evaporation.

l the lake's water will soon become so salty that the lake will be unable to support fish and bird populations. (修饰成分,可以酌情精简)

处理后:the water in the lake will become too salty to support the life of local fish and bird. 如果有童鞋说不知道斜体部分的词组具体意思, 请重读小学课程。

l there are several ways to reverse the trend that is threatening the lake's health.

处理后:There are various (同义替换several) ways to tackle the problem.

The reading passage claims that the concentration of salt has been rising constantly due to the faster speed of evaporation, which the water in the lake will become too salty to support the life of local fish and bird. In the meantime, There are various ways to tackle the problem.






