广袤无垠的中华大地 the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory
绚丽多姿的自然景观 gorgeous and varied natural scenery
如诗如画 poetic and picturesque
名胜古迹 places of historic interest and scenic beauty
兵马俑 terra-cotta soldiers and horses
故宫 the Imperial Palace
五岳之首 the most famous of China's 5 great mountains
峻拔突兀 majestic and precipitous appeal
山外有山 mountains beyond mountains
融自然与文化景观于一体 embody natural scenery and cultural heritage
奇石,清瀑,古松,亭阁 grotesque rock formation, clear waterfalls, old-age pine trees and pavilions
历代文人雅士书法家 famous ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers of various dynasty
石刻碑文 stone inscription
重峦叠嶂 peaks rising one after another
经典佳作 great classics of ancient writers of various dynasty
华夏祖先 Chinese ancestors
吉祥之地 propitious place
祭祀天地 offer sacrifices to Heaven and Earth
联合国教科文组织 UNESCO(c=cultural,其他不必说了吧?)
世界自然与文化遗产 World heritage Commission
geological accident 地质变化
the earth's crust 地壳
temperate climatic zone 热带地区
unique fauna and flora 珍禽奇兽,奇花异草
Great Barrier 大堡礁
Ayer's Rock 阿叶尔斯石柱山
Cacadu National Park 卡喀杜国家公园
Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院
skiing resort 滑雪场
gross domestic product(GDP) 国内生产总值
camping park 野营公园
caravan and cabin 汽车旅馆,公寓住所
international cuisine 国际烹饪水准
ethnic restaurant 风味餐厅
departure tax stamp 离境印花税票
American Express 美国运通信用卡