1) 九寨沟国家公园是欣赏自然景观的好地方。
Jiuzhai Valley National Park is a good place to appreciate natural scenery/attraction.
2) 被列入联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产名录。
To be put on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.
3) 中国56个民族的不同风俗和文化是中国的宝贵财富,是世界的宝贵财富,也是中国最重要的旅游资源。
The different customs and cultures of China’s 56 ethnic groups, which are both a national and world treasure, make up one of China’s most important tourist resources.
4) 这条美食街集餐饮、购物和娱乐为一体,游客可以在此体验异国情调,品尝他乡风味,购买旅游纪念品,参加各种娱乐活动。
The gourmet street encompasses services for catering, shopping and amusement. Tourists can experience the exotic atmosphere, taste the diverse foreign foods, purchase attractive souvenirs and enjoy a wide variety of recreational activities.
5) 旅游业是向发展最快的行业之一。它的发展速度已经超过世界经济发展的水平。
The tourist industry is one of the fastest growing industries in modern times. Its growth rate has exceeded that of worldwide economy.
6) 旅游业不仅让服务行业受益,而且对旅游商品的制造业有利。它不是一个单一的行业而是涵盖交通业、住宿业、餐饮业、导游服务、银行保险业、制造业、教育等多种行业的综合产业。
Tourism benefits not only the service sector, but also the manufacture of tourist commodities. It is not a single trade, but a comprehensive one consisting of many enterprises such as transportation, accommodation, catering, guiding services, banking and insurance, manufacturing, education and so on.
7) 一直往前走,你就可以看到旅游服务中心了。
Walk straight ahead and you will see the tourist service center.
8) 福建的乌龙茶很出名,到这里来旅游一定要品尝一下。
The Oolong tea in Fujian Province is famous, something you should not miss.
9) 这家饭馆是经旅游部门批准经营的,不存在乱收费的现象。
This restaurant is approved by the tourist authority; there are no hidden charges.
10) 这家礼品店的东西物美价廉,买几件回去做纪念品吧。
These items in the gift shop have good quality and good prices. How about buying a few as souvenirs?