share weal and woe wi th the people 与人民群众共命运
advances wi th the t imes 与时代发展同步伐
keep pace wi th the t imes 与时俱进
wi th a long hi story behind i t 源远流长
developing amids t twi st s and turns 在曲折中发展
be mindful of potent ial danger 增强忧患意识
st rategic adjustment 战略性调整
energet ic and promis ing leader ship 朝气蓬勃、奋发有为的领导层
to be rect i fied and s tandardized 整顿和规范
government intervent ion 政府干预
government organs; government ins t i tut ions 政府机构
special government al lowance 政府特殊津贴
separat ing the funct ions of government from those of ins t i tut ions 政事分开
(have) a good government and a uni ted people 政通人和
CPPCC commi t tees 政协委员会
the pol i t ical and economic spheres 政治、经济领域
pol i tburo 政治局
kingpin 支撑
the laws st r ict ly enforced 执法必严
exercise the state power in the interes t of the people 执政为民
the corner s tone for i t s (the par ty' s ) governance 执政之基
municipal i ty di rect ly under the Cent ral Government 直辖市
the formulat ion of the eleventh f ive-year plan 制定"十一五"计划
running the par ty, s tate and army 治党治国治军
the CPC (Communi st Par ty of China) cent ral commi t tee 中共中央
CCCP (Cent r al Commi t tee of Communi st Par ty) 中共中央委员会
the seventeenth nat ional congres s of the CPC 中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会
Social i sm wi th Chinese character i st ics 中国特色社会主义事业
the great rejuvenat ion of the Chinese nat ion 中华民族的伟大复兴
cent ral commi ss ion for di scipl ine inspect ions of the CPC 中央纪委
uni ted front work depar tment of CPC cent ral commi t tee 中央统战部
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