


2018年11月08日 11:30:39来源:翻译资格考试网



把好政治关 Strictly insist on the political criteria

把科学成果转化成生产力 Transform scientific research results into productive forces

把企业推向市场 Encourage enterprises to compete in the market

把社会效益放在首位 Give prime consideration to social effects

把水搅浑 Create confusion /muddy the waters

把问题摆在做面上 Place the problem on the table for discussion

把问题弄清楚 Get clear on the problems involved

把依法治国和以德治国结合起来 Govern the country by combining the rule of law and the rule of virtue

罢官 Depose/dismiss from office

debunk 揭穿,拆穿假面具

decr iminal izat ion 合法化

catast rophic succes s 灾难性胜利(指大规模、绝对性的胜利,并不是造成灾难的意思)

caval ry 原指骑兵;现指(需要借助车辆或直升机快速移动的)突击部队

high-cal iber leading cadres 高素质的领导干部队伍

shelve cer tain pol i t ical di sputes 搁置某些政治争议

al l local i t ies and depar tment s 各地各部门

pat r iots f rom al l walks of l i fe 各界爱国人士

per sonages of al l ci rcles 各界人士

be wel l pos i t ioned, do thei r best and l ive in harmony 各尽其能、各得其所又和谐相处

people' s organizat ions 各人民团体

at tempt s to spl i t the Count ry 各种分裂图谋

civi l r ight s / civi l l iber t ies 公民权利、自由

ci t izens ' par t icipat ion in pol i t ical affai r s 公民政治参与

bear in mind the overal l interest s 顾全大局

the bureaucr at ic style of work 官僚主义作风

a glor ious pat r iot ic t radi t ion 光荣的爱国主义传统

gather large number s of talented people 广纳群贤





