裤裆the sit of trousers
来龙去脉I know the ins and outs.
经得起考验的人strong-willed man in hardship
以身作则he is a very person who always sets up a good example/modal for us
铿锵玫瑰imperishable roses
四大美女the four beauties in Chinese history
跃跃欲试/摩拳擦掌we’re ready to so sth
Itch to do/ itch for sth: (informal) (often used in progressive sentences) to want to do sth very much
The crowd was itching for a fight.那群人摩拳擦掌地想打架
He’s itching to get back to work.他巴不得马上回去工作
The rapid assimilation of mew ideas 对新思想的迅速吸收
Realize: to understand or become aware of a particular fact or situation.
心领神会: realizing completely/digesting; a good mastery/command of sth
Mastery: n.[u. sing] great knowledge abut or understanding of a particular thing
强词夺理:to use the lame/forced/ cripple argument
(电器)说明书guidance (药品)说明书direction
真传:essence=> of the essence: necessary and very important 必不可少,非常重要
勉强:be reluctant to do sth; reluctance A reluctant smile无可奈何的笑
活学活用:to learn as to use
吹牛不打草稿:a good story teller/ story-maker/story-bearer
回味无穷:haunted around one’s mind/memorable
众志成城,万众一心,固若金汤 unit as one/morality/morale
(搬家时)坛坛罐罐:worldly possessions
半推半就:yield to accept
他是始作俑者。He is the person who ignited all troubles. /he is the starter
永远不要威胁,要和别人讲道理。Never get a threat to anyone, but reason with others
有政治强势. You should have ore political awareness
我就快去见马克思了 I am on the edge of live and death
The change of policy brought about reconciliation with Britain.他们的政策的改变促成了与英国的和解。
The reconciliation between environment and development环境保护与发展之间的和谐统一
作出欢迎的样子: embracing attitude 你们的姿态不够高 you attitude can not be acceptable.
说话不经过大脑:an unreasonable teller.----Jack London
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