她轻启朱唇,随口唱了两句。She opened her beautiful lips a little and sang in a free way
我只是随口说说。Blurt sth out / with your tongue in your cheek/ with tongue in cheek (not being serious and
mean it as a joke)
A tongue-in-cheek remark 一句戏言
The offer was made almost tongue-in-cheek.这种提议差不多只是说说而已。
这个家庭过得很幸福。The family lives together in perfect harmony.
他们的家庭关系微妙。Their marriage life was on the rock/nearly break up/ nearly divorce.
相安无事:peace and harmony
Distance always produces harmony. 距离产生美
吃小亏,占在便宜。Less pay more gain/ less pains more gains
便宜行事:do whatever as much as you want
这人不守妇道. Not virtuous
Mother’s smiling.让人感到暖暖的东西。Mother’s milk 很重要的东西
老主顾/老顾客:patron /routine ~师傅:Mr.~/ ~ sir 家眷family
to down a plane击落一架飞机
The silk-worms of spring will weave until they die, the candles will weep every night till they dry
our diplomatic department has lodged a strong protest against
We should correct unhealthy factors, at the same time rearrange those departments of dishonesty.
谁也不能保证下次余震何时发生。No one could predict when the after-shock will come back.
从科技层面来讲,这似乎有些奇谈怪论。Scientifically/ from the scientific sphere, it’s just like a fallacy.
有礼貌:gentleman/ be in good manner
有许多朋友。She is quite popular among us of different character./ She is enjoyed by most of us.
只能这样:the only one way to do so
Where stood red candles in bridal chamber last night,
And waited to pay a visit to my father- and mother-in-law tomorrow morning for solute;
Toilet finished and asked in a low voice to the sweet husband:
Am I á la mode!?
兴,百姓苦;亡,百姓苦。Kingdom’s rise, people suffer; kingdom’s fall, people suffer.
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