accord N. /一致/agreement. She was in complete accord with the verdict.
accost V. /搭讪,邂逅/approach and speak first to a person. When the two young men accosted me, I was
frightened because I thought they were going to attack me.
accoutre V. /装备/equip. The fisherman was accoutered with the best that the sporting goods store could supply.
accoutrements, N.
accretion N. /增长/growth; increase. The accretion of wealth marked the family's rise in power.
accrue V. /附带的/come about by addition. You must pay the interest that has accrued on your debt as well as the
principal sum. accrual, N.
acerbity N. /尖酸的(语气,脾气)/bitterness of speech and temper. The meeting of the United Nations General Assembly
was marked with such acerbity that informed sources held out little hope of reaching any useful settlement of the problem. acerbic, ADJ.
acetic ADJ. /酸的/vinegary. The salad had an exceedingly acetic flavor.
acidulous ADJ. /酸的;尖锐,刻薄/slightly sour; sharp, caustic. James was unpopular because of his sarcastic and
acidulous remarks.
acknowledge V. /认可,承认/recognize; admit. Although I acknowledge that the Beatles' tunes sound pretty dated
today, I still prefer them to the "gangsta rap" songs my brothers play.
acme N. /顶点/top; pinnacle. His success in this role marked the acme of his career as an actor.
acoustics N. /声学的/science of sound; quality that makes a room easy or hard to hear in. Carnegie Hall is liked by
music lovers because of its fine acoustics.
acquiesce V. /默许/assent; agree without protesting. Although she appeared to acquiesce to her employer's
suggestions, I could tell she had reservations about the changes he wanted made. acquiescence, N.; acquiescent, ADJ.
acquire V. /获取/obtain; get. Frederick Douglass was determined to acquire an education despite his master's efforts
to prevent his doing so.
acquittal N. /无罪开释/deliverance from a charge. His acquittal by the jury surprised those who had thought him guilty.
acquit, V.
acrid ADJ. /尖锐;尖酸/sharp; bitterly pungent. The acrid odor of burnt gunpowder filled the room after the pistol had
been fired.
acrimonious ADJ. /挖苦的,尖酸的(语言,行为)/bitter in words or manner. The candidate attacked his opponent in highly
acrimonious terms. acrimony, N.
acrophobia N. /恐高症/fear of heights. A born salesman, he could convince someone with a bad case of acrophobia to sign up for a life membership in a sky-diving club.
actuarial ADJ. /保险精算的,精算/calculating; pertaining to insurance statistics. According to recent actuarial tables, life expectancy is greater today than it was a century ago.
actuate V. / 推动,促使/motivate. I fail to understand what actuated you to reply to this letter so nastily.
acuity N. /尖锐/sharpness. In time his youthful acuity of vision failed him, and he needed glasses.
acumen N. /思想敏锐/mental keenness. His business acumen helped him to succeed where others had failed.
acute ADJ. /精明,敏锐,聪明/quickly perceptive; keen; brief and severe. The acute young doctor realized immediately that the gradual deterioration of her patient's once acute hearing was due to a chronic illness, not an acute one.
adage N. /格言,谚语/wise saying; proverb. There is much truth in the old adage about fools and their money.
adamant ADJ. /坚硬,不动摇/hard; inflexible. Bronson played the part of a revenge-driven man, adamant in his determination to punish the criminals who destroyed his family. adamancy, N.
adapt V. /改变/alter; modify. Some species of animals have become extinct because they could not adapt to a changing environment.
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