absolve V. /谅解/pardon (an offense). The father confessor absolved him of his sins. absolution, N.
absorb V. /吸收,合并/assimilate or incorporate; suck or drink up; wholly engage. During the nineteenth century,
America absorbed hordes of immigrants, turning them into productive citizens. Can Huggies diapers absorb more liquid than Pampers can? This question does not absorb me; instead, it bores me. absorption, N.
abstain V. /控制,限制(自己)/refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or practice. After considering the effect
of alcohol on his athletic performance, he decided to abstain from drinking while he trained for the race. abstinence, N.
abstemious ADJ. /节制(饮食),调节/sparing in eating and drinking; temperate. Concerned whether her vegetarian son's
abstemious diet provided him with sufficient protein, the worried mother pressed food on him.
abstinence N. /节制(饮食)/restraint from eating or drinking. The doctor recommended total abstinence from salted
foods. abstain,V.
abstract ADJ. /抽象的/theoretical; not concrete; nonrepresentational. To him, hunger was an abstract concept; he had
never missed a meal.
abstruse ADJ. /难以理解的,复杂的/obscure; profound; difficult to understand. She carries around abstruse works of
philosophy, not because she understands them but because she wants her friends to think she does.
abundant ADJ. /丰富,富足/plentiful; possessing riches or resources. At his immigration interview, Ivan listed his
abundant reasons for coming to America: the hope of religious freedom, the prospect of employment, the promise of a more abundant life.
abusive ADJ. /粗俗的侮辱,对身体有害的/coarsely insulting; physically harmful. An abusive parent damages a child both
mentally and physically.
abut V. /毗邻/border upon; adjoin. Where our estates abut, we must build a fence.
abysmal ADJ. /无底的/bottomless. His arrogance is exceeded only by his abysmal ignorance.
abyss N. /深渊,深坑,无底洞/enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit. Darth Vader seized the evil emperor and hurled him
down into the abyss.
academic ADJ. /学术的/related to a school; not practical or directly useful. The dean's talk about reforming the college
admissions system was only an academic discussion: we knew little, if anything, would change.
accede V. /同意/agree. If I accede to this demand for blackmail, I am afraid that I will be the victim of future demands.
accelerate V. /加速/move faster. In our science class, we learn how falling bodies accelerate.
accentuate V. /强调,重音/emphasize; stress. If you accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative, you may wind
up with an overoptimistic view of the world.
accessible ADJ. /可得到的/easy to approach; obtainable. We asked our guide whether the ruins were accessible on
accessory N. /附件/additional object; useful but not essential thing. She bought an attractive handbag as an
accessory for her dress. also ADJ.
acclaim V. /赞扬,表扬/applaud; announce with great approval. The NBC sportscasters acclaimed every American
victory in the Olympics and decried every American defeat. also N.
acclimate V. /适应/adjust to climate. One of the difficulties of our present air age is the need of travelers to acclimate
themselves to their new and often strange environments.
acclivity N. /上山的陡坡/sharp upslope of a hill. The car would not go up the acclivity in high gear.
accolade N. /出名的大奖/award of merit. In Hollywood, an "Oscar" is the highest accolade.
accommodate V. /招待,食宿,适应/oblige or help someone; adjust or bring into harmony; adapt. Mitch always did
everything possible to accommodate his elderly relatives, from driving them to medical appointments to helping them with paperwork. (secondary meaning)
accomplice N. /共犯,同伙/partner in crime. Because he had provided the criminal with the lethal weapon, he was
arrested as an accomplice in the murder.
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