真题比较:“A lovely Stone” VS “Looting Egypt's Heritage”
阅读难度:A lovely Stone: 涉及较多专业词汇 (五颗星)
Looting Egypt's Heritage: 文风平实,词汇浅显易懂(三颗星)
分析难度:A lovely Stone: 写作手法较为明显 (三颗星)
Looting Egypt's Heritage: 全文结构解读及手法选取较难 (五颗星)
由此可见,在考场中越易读懂的文章可能手法找取难度越大,反之亦然。“国宝”的相关话题都会通过作者丰富的写作技巧达到唤起读者情感共鸣的目的,“Looting Egypt's Heritage” 这一篇也遵循了这一规律。下面我们一起从整篇文章的情感变化角度来重温3月亚太的真题。
Egypt's future lies in its history, particularly its archaeological history. For hundreds of years the mystery and wonders of the pyramids, the sphinx and the Valley of the Kings have attracted visitors from around the world. Tourism is the lifeblood of Egypt's economy and touches the lives of most Egyptians, whether they work as tour guides, restaurant owners, craftsmen or bus operators. Egypt's history holds the prosperity of the country's future generations, including that of youths — more than 40 million Egyptians are age 30 or younger — who are seeking opportunities.
But thieves are raiding our archaeological sites and selling their findings to the highest bidders. They are taking advantage of Egypt's security situation to loot our nation' seconomic future and steal from our children.
Egyptians need the people and the government of the United States to support our efforts to combat the systematic and organized looting of our museums and archaeological sites. Imagine a world in which the stories of King Tut, Cleopatra, Ramesses and others were absent from the collective consciousness. And with much of our history still waiting to be discovered under the sand, the potential losses are staggering. Antiquities theft is one of the world’s top crimes — after the trafficking of weapons, narcotics and people — but it is seldom addressed.
在 “A lovely Stone”一文中, 作者曾用旷世佳作《蒙娜丽莎》进行类比,以引起读者的情感认同。本段中作者不仅指出文物盗窃与贩卖武器,毒品和人口等问题一样严峻,而且提及大量广为大众读者所熟知的文物和历史人物,进而达到引起读者对该问题痛恨之情的目的。
Egyptian antiquities are flooding international markets. Recent auctions at Christie’s in London and New York included several items from Egypt. Fortunately, when contacted, Christie’s in London withdrew a number of items that had been stolen from the tomb of King Amenhotep III, discovered in 2000 in Luxor. Among the items was a steatite bust of an official dating from 1793 to 1976 B.C.