Invoke在阅读中出现次数较多,尤其是历史类篇章中。如在可汗Diagnostic quiz的两个历史类篇章中都有出现。句子如下:
The social contract should increase the well-being and liberty of every citizen-- If any one-sided conditions should slip in; if one part of the citizens should find themselves, by the contract, subordinated and exploited by others, it would no longer be a contract; it would be a fraud, against which annulment might at any time be invoked justly. (援引,调用,行使)
Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. (唤起,激发)
OG Test 3的历史类篇章Report on Public Instruction中也有出现:
This is sufficient; we need not invoke principles that are inapplicable to the question. (援引)
又如在科学类篇章Amphibians in Crisis中:
Global warming also has been invoked as a contributing factor. (援引)
后面两个句子中invoke的意思为提及,援引 : to mention a person, a theory, an example, etc. tosupport your opinions or ideas, or as a reason for sth.
第二个句子中的invoke意同evoke, 唤起,激发。
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