

2018年08月16日 10:23:31来源:SAT考试网



本文选自2014年地New York Times,文章浅显易懂,歌颂地是当下的“分享经济”,鼓励更多的pharmaceuticalcompanies分享临床试验数据,互通有无,分享相关地试验数据,提高研发新药的速度,减少药物的副作用,为社会做出更多的贡献。 这篇文章的evidence部分主要运用的是medical evidence 和典型案例分析(case study),并且用业内的leader做role model,增强persuasiveness;Reasoning的部分来说,主要的是contrast和cause-effect analysis,此外还有pre-emptivecounterargument; emotional appeals主要集中在文章的最后,用sense of duty/responsibility/ Samaritan spirit(好人精神)来uplift social morale.

Give the Data tothe People

1. LASTweek, Johnson & Johnson announced that it was making all of its clinicaltrial data available to scientists around the world. It has hired my group,Yale University Open Data Access Project, or YODA, to fully oversee the releaseof the data. Everything in the company’s clinical research vaults, including unpublishedraw data, will be available for independent review.

作者用Johnson &Johnson最近的announcement用以introducethe article.很显然,这个决定非常的突然而且让人感觉惊讶和heart-warming。

2. Thisis an extraordinary donation to society, and a reversal of the industry’straditional tendency to treat data as an asset that would lose value if exposedto public scrutiny.

作者发表了对J& J决定的看法,作者用了extraordinary donation 这样的word choice来积极评价这个决定,这个决定无疑是对社会做出了巨大贡献。

3. Today, more than half of the clinicaltrials in theUnited States, including many sponsored by academic and governmentalinstitutions, are not published within two years of their completion. Oftenthey are never published at all. The unreported results, not surprisingly, areoften those in which a drug failed to perform better than a placebo. As aresult, evidence-based medicine is, at best, based on only some of theevidence. One of the most troubling implications isthat full information on a drug’s effects may never be discovered or released.

作者告诉了我们这个决定的社会背景,即半数以上的美国医药公司视临床试验数据为行业机密;同时,作者告诉我们,这种现象给社会带来的危害:the most troubling implicationis that full information on a drug’seffects may never be discovered or released.相比之下,J & J 公司的决定就显得很伟大。

4. Evenwhen studies are published, the actual data are usually not made available. Endusers of research — patients, doctors and policy makers — are implicitly toldby a single group of researchers to “take our word for it.” They are oftenforced to accept the report without the prospect of other independentscientists’ reproducing the findings — a violation of a central tenet of thescientific method.

作者继续发表对普遍的行业做法,这里作者运用了逻辑分析,说的是这样的做法给medical practitioner带来的困扰。

5. To befair, the decision to share data is not easy. Companies worry that theircompetitors will benefit, that lawyers will take advantage, that incompetentscientists will misconstrue the data and come to mistaken conclusions.Researchers feel ownership of the data and may be reluctant to have others useit. So Johnson & Johnson, as well as companies like GlaxoSmithKline and Medtronic that have made more cautious moves towardtransparency, deserve much credit. The more we share data, however, the more wefind that many of these problems fail to materialize.

作者继续表扬J&J的决定,说公司的决定不容易,同时作者在分析为何公司不愿意分享这些数据的原因,主要原因是competition和legal entanglement,作者反驳说,其实更多的公司,包括GSK和 Medtronic,加入公开临床数据的分享,这些担心的原因就越不会发生。

6. In2011, YODA struck a deal with Medtronic to release all the data on one of itsproducts — a device that stimulates the production of bone. At the time,questions had been raised about the device’s safety, including whether itcaused cancer, and about the conflicts of interests of some of the company’sresearchers. Medtronic made the unusual decision to respond to the debate byreleasing the device’s data for independent review. We commissioned and thenpublished two independent reviews of the data, and now have made them globallyavailable.

为了buttress claim,作者举了个例子(a case in point),2011年YODA 与 Medtronic的合作,这一段主要围绕前段中提到的“为何公司担心分享临床试验数据”展开。

7. Interestingly,the reviews produced somewhat conflicting results. One found that the devicewas no better than a bone graft and might be associated with a slight increasein cancer, while the other found that the device was effective and the cancerrisk inconclusive. To us these differences reinforce the value of open science:now the data are out there for further study.

作者继续在对这个案例进行详细分析;合作过程中发生的一些conflicting results等正好呼应了作者一开始担心的the mosttroubling implication,同时验证了分享临床数据的好处。

8. Thisprogram doesn’t mean that just anyone can gain access to the data withoutdisclosing how they intend to use it. We require those who want the data tosubmit a proposal and identify their research team, funding and any conflictsof interest. They have to complete a short course on responsible conduct andsign an agreement that restricts them to their proposed research question. Mostimportant, they must agree to share whatever they find. And we excludeapplicants who seek data for commercial or legal purposes. Our intent is not tobe tough gatekeepers, but to ensure that the data are used in a transparent wayand contribute to overall scientific knowledge.

这里一段可以说是pre-empt了读者的potential concern,即分享临床数据并不代表这些数据可以被滥用,这样说的目的是打消target audience的顾虑,这样更多的医药公司能够加入分享临床数据的潮流中来。 这里大量地呼吁audience,再次重申了project地社会贡献。

9. Thereare many benefits to this kind of sharing. It honors the contributions of thesubjects and scientists who participated in the research. It is proof that anorganization, whether it is part of industry or academia, wants to play a roleas a good global citizen. It demonstrates that the organization has nothing tohide. And it enables scientists to use the data to learn new ways to helppatients. Such an approach can even teach a company like Johnson & Johnsonsomething it didn’t know about its own products.

这一段作者饱醮感情地歌颂了分享精神,希望更多地医药企业能够加入分享队伍,主要是通过appeals to their duty。

10. For the good of society, this is a breakthrough thatshould be replicated throughout the research world.

最后一段, 作者呼吁更多企业能够加入分享地队伍,为社会做出贡献。





