

2018年08月16日 10:21:01来源:SAT考试网



这篇文章最初发表在2013年10月的《华盛顿邮报》。题材上来说,与OG6那篇 Lovely Stones有些相似,但论述方式上比较简单。

这篇文章可谓“饱醮情感” “emotionally-charged”,考生不妨按沿着“情感线”去论述作者是怎样组织材料,一步步证明问题的严重性,同时赢得读者支持的。

1、Egypt’s future lies in its history,particularly its archaeological history. For hundreds of years the mystery andwonders of the pyramids, the sphinx and the Valley of the Kings have attractedvisitors from around the world. Tourism is the lifeblood of Egypt’s economy andtouches the lives of most Egyptians, whether they work as tour guides,restaurant owners, craftsmen or bus operators. Egypt’s history holds theprosperity of the country’s future generations, including that of youths — morethan 40 million Egyptians are age 30 or younger — who are seekingopportunities.

首先作者直白地告诉了读者历史文物对埃及的埃及的重要意义—涉及民生的旅游业。 作者这样写就能引起读者对这个话题的重视,同时对埃及经济的同情。

The author explicitly point out theimportance of archaeological history not only to the preservation of historyfor the entire humanity but also a more practical reason---the archaeologicalhistory is “lifeblood” of Egypt’s economy

关键词: raise awareness, establish theimportance of archaeological history to Egypt’s economy.

2、But thieves are raiding ourarchaeological sites and selling their findings to the highest bidders. Theyare taking advantage of Egypt’s security situation to loot our nation’seconomic future and steal from our children.


The author tells us a heartbreaking fact,antiquity theft of Egypt’s national treasuries and illegal auction.

关键词: thieves, loot, steal from our children

Word choice, such as thieves, loot, andsteal from our children appeals to readers’ sense of indignation and theirsympathy to help protect these archaeological sites and findings.

第1第2段,作者引出了话题,同时为全文打下了基础 lay a strongfoundation for further argument. 接下来作者开始论述

3、Egyptians need the people and thegovernment of the United States to support our efforts to combat the systematicand organized looting of our museums and archaeological sites. Imagine a worldin which the stories of King Tut, Cleopatra, Ramesses and others were absent fromthe collective consciousness. And with much of our history still waiting to bediscovered under the sand, the potential losses are staggering. Antiquitiestheft is one of the world’s top crimes — after the trafficking of weapons,narcotics and people — but it is seldom addressed.

作者向美国政府和人民寻求帮助,希望得到美国的支持,打击文物盗窃及非法拍卖。 作者运用了大量文物,告诉我们这些文物对世界文化的重要性,从而引起我们对文物盗窃现象的痛恨。

关键词: Egyptians need…support, thus appealing to readers’ sense of duty to helpEgypt in the fight against rampant antiquity theft.

Imagine a world (a number of well-knownexamples of cultural and historical relics) are absent. The author plead thereaders to think about the importance of those world-renowned cultural andhistorical treasures, in contrast to the fact of rampant theft and looting. Theauthor intends to raise readers’ awareness towards the gravity of the problemwhich is often overlooked by global community.

4、Egyptian antiquities are floodinginternational markets. Recent auctions at Christie’s in London and New Yorkincluded several items from Egypt. Fortunately, when contacted, Christie’s inLondon withdrew a number of itemsthat had been stolen from the tomb of KingAmenhotep III, discovered in 2000 in Luxor. Among the items was a steatite bustof an official dating from 1793 to 1976 B.C.

这一段作者是在引用典型例子, 证明antiquity theft andillegal auction是多么猖獗,而这些都是在NYC 和 London这样的地方发生的,拍卖行是Christie’s 这样的知名公司,读了让人觉得非常气愤。后半段作者在谈论这些文物的重要性。

关键词: flood international markets, includeat Christie’s London and New York aunctions.

5、Although arrests were made in this case,and two auction houses in Jerusalem canceled the sale of 126 antiquities afterbeing contacted by Egyptian officials, the tide unfortunately flows in theother direction. After being contacted by the Egyptian foreign ministry, otherauction houses have been unwilling to cooperate with requests to delay orcancel sales of items that experts assess have been stolen. Among those whomake their money selling antiquities, cooperation with the Egyptian governmenthas been mixed at best.


关键词: other auction houses have beenunwilling to cooperate. Cooperation…has been mixed at best.

The author intends to exacerbate/escalatethe anger among the readers toward auction houses who deliberately ignoreEgyptian government’s requests, thus appealing to their sense of righteousnessnot to boycott the auction houses that sell Egyptian cultural relics.

6、Looting is a centuries-old business and acrime that Egyptians will no doubt be fighting for years, especially duringdifficult economic times. Our country is willing to take a strong stand. No onecan forget the stark images of Egyptians — men and women, Muslims andChristians, young and old — creating a human shield to protect the EgyptianMuseum in Cairo during the 2011 revolution. Still, thieves succeeded instealing several items from its collection. Despite our government’s bestefforts to retrieve those artifacts, more than 50 items, including some fromthe famous King Tut tomb, remain missing.

这一段在论述埃及在打击文物盗窃一贯的努力,强调整个国家、无论男女老幼、不同种族和信仰都达成了一致,但就如“没有买卖,就没有杀戮“,作者在论述根本原因”root cause”是买方市场,这位文章后面的呼吁做铺垫。

关键词: Looting is a centruies-oldbusiness. Our country ….strong stand,human shield to protect. (in contrast) thieves succeeded in stealing.

7、In the Aug. 14 attack on the MalawiNational Museum, in Minya, more than 1,000 items were taken: statues more than3,500 years old; jewelry from the time of the ancient Pharaohs; Greco-Romangold coins. When security forces tried to stop them, the thieves burned someitems they could not take, including mummies.


8、Every day, Egyptians risk their lives toprevent organized gangs from stealing our heritage. Our country is not the onlyplace under attack: Iraq, Syria, Libya, Peru and Guatemala are sufferingsimilar assaults on their heritage. Halting these crimes on our civilizationwill require a coordinated global effort — from both the “producers” and the“consumers.”

更多的国家都在打击文物盗窃,这样就把这个问题放在全球视野内,Iraq, Syria,Libya等都是典型例子,这里可以评价文物盗窃是世界性的问题,同时,这些国家和埃及都一样,都属于发展中国家,有些面临战乱的困扰,这样就更需要发达国家的民众抵制这些无良商家。

关键词:Our country is not the only place underattack. Halting these crimes…require acoordinated global effort.

The author claims that looting of antiquityis a global problem. To back up his claim, he quote countries such as Iraq,Syria, Libya etc as examples to back up his claim. As these countries, more orless, share similarities with Egypt—all are developing countries, some aresuffering from wars, these once again appeals to readers’ sense of duty toboycott such auction deals in auction houses.

9、It is our common duty, in Egypt andaround the world, to defend our shared heritage. International institutions,governments, business, archaeologists and other experts must come together toexplore how to help countries in need protect their treasures. The efforts ofgroups such as the International Coalition to Protect Egyptian Antiquities areappreciated — but much more aid is necessary. The youths of Egypt deserve more.There is no time to waste.


Toward the end of the article, the authoronce again appeals to readers’ duty in the fight against antiquity theft, callfor their support for international organizations. The author also point outthat this is an urgent task.





