Writing an Effective Introduction
让我们想来看看如何吸引读者的注意力。阅卷者看到的第 一句话往往比别的句子要重要得多。所以,开篇的句子通常都影响深远。一是开头决定了该篇文章能否吸引读者的注意力,让阅卷者产生继续的好奇心;二是开头通常都与你整篇文章所要表明的观点息息相关。让我们看如何成功吸引读者的开头:
Hyperbolic statement夸张的陈述:使用一个大胆、牵强、极端或是夸张的陈述,这类陈述可以具有争议性甚至是虚构性。比如: “For thousands of years of human history, optimists have used religion, politics, and culture to try to change the attitudes of millions. They have miserably failed”。
Statistic数据型:运用相关数据来表达你的观点。例如:“Self-described optimists are five times more likely to be happy and satisfied than their pessimist counterparts”。
Personal experience个人经历:用自己的个人经历来表达观点。例如:“When I was diagnosed with cancer four years ago, the doctor told me I would concede to the wiles of destiny – instead, I made a choice to live a more enjoyable and fulfilling life than I ever had before”。
Folksy/Common Statement常见陈述:用一个普遍的陈述来引出一个常见的观点。例如:“They say that if you aren’t an optimist, the glass is half-empty. And, if you’re a pessimist, it probably has cyanide in it anyway”。
Quote引言:引用一句家喻户晓的名言来表明自己的观点。例如:“'Work is either fun or drudgery. It depends on your attitude. I like fun.'These were wise words from Colleen C. Barrett”。
Detail and Description
题干中的要求如下:要求考生利用“examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations”,把这一点熟记于心。最 好的方法就是把这四大类都非开,每一类给出两个相关论据。也就是说,引用两本你阅读过的书籍,两堂参与的课程,两次个人的经历以及两点源于对世界和生活的观察。当然每类各引用两点并不是硬性要求。但是如果有八点强有力的论据(每个论据两个句子左右),毫无疑问,你的文章有足够的信息点和足够长的篇幅。
1. A positive change in attitude can effect a change in conditions
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Non-Violence
Jesus Christ and Christianity
2. Having a positive attitude allows you to make the best of a situation
When I broke my leg and couldn’t play basketball, I studied harder
The movie Little Miss Sunshine
3. Negative attitudes historically yield bad results
Marlowe in Heart of Darkness
Decline of Roman Empire
1. Lead-in:引出论据的过渡部分
2. Detail:论据
3. Lead-out:把论据和论点联系起来
(Lead-in) “Maintaining a positive attitude in a negative environment can actually change your environment for the better. In fact, people who can maintain positive attitudes have created a difference and made the world around them better.”
(Detail) “One such person was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who led the Civil Rights Movement in America through a strategy of nonviolence and non-confrontation. His work eventually allowed Blacks in the US more rights.”
(Lead-out) “His involvement and non-violence philosophy shows that even though he could have become angry and violent towards the white establishment, his positive attitude allowed him to effect bigger and better changes.”