Adapted from David Bell, in Defense of Drones: A Historical Argument, 1/27/2012
Once upon a time, American military might was symbolized by the heavy boots of the Marine Corps, stomping ashore to reestablish order in unruly parts of the world. Today, it is symbolized by unmanned drone aircraft, controlled from thousands of miles away, dropping bombs on terrorists. Drone use aims to cut troops, ships and planes while concentrating our military energies on spy technology, cyber warfare, jammers, and special operations forces.
The embrace of technology over traditional methods of combat has provoked critics who doubt the morality and political implications of 'remote control warfare'. Norte Dame law professor Mary Ellen O'Connell, argues that 'to accept killing far from battlefields where there is an understanding of necessity is ethically troubling.' 'The Economist' similarly asked: 'if war can be waged by one side without risk to the life and limb of its combatants, has a vital form of restraint been removed?'
Other critics tend to present this new frontier of warfare as something largely novel--one that radically changed the political dynamics of warfare. But if our current technology is new, the desire to take out one's enemies from a safe distance is anything but. From the beginnings of warfare, combatants have sought technological advantages of allowing them to kill enemies with minimum risk to themselves. And, these advances have always provoked criticism. We don't know if anyone excoriated the inventor of the bow and arrow as a dishonorable coward who refused to risk death in a hand to hand fight. Not surprisingly, after gunpowder weapons appeared, critics unloosed torrents of chivalric outrage. As late as the 1500's, the Italian poet Ariosto raged at this 'wicked and terrible discovery' which had 'destroyed martial glory and reduced valor and virtue to nought.'
Over the centuries, advances in military technology added to the anonymity of killing. By 1918, the Germans had developed guns that could fire 200 pound shells a distance of 80 miles, over a trajectory that took them to an altitude of over 130,000 feet. This and other developments provoked criticism similar to that now heard against drone warfare.
It is crucial to note that since 1975 the sort of mass warfare characterized by anonymous killing and massive conscript armies has been quite strikingly reversed. Except from two campaigns in Iraq, the U.S. has largely fought against irregular, insurgent forces and terrorists, and actual combat has mostly taken place at much closer range than it did for the average infantryman of either world war. This development ought to console critics who worry about the moral and political implications of anonymous, long-distance killing: Soldiers remaining on the battlefield-- and none more than the special operations forces that the administration relies on so heavily--are more likely to see their enemies up close than their grandfathers did, and to run very great risks indeed.
Of course, drone warfare aims to safeguard American lives and also put a premium on other lives for very practical, political reasons. The critics of drone warfare argue that without Americans running the risk of death, a vital restraint up one murderously aggressive military action will disappear, and countless innocent civilians will die. But in combating insurgents and terrorists, an actions' political effects matter just as much, if not more, than their purely military ones, and high civilian death tolls are not just moral outrageous, but political disasters.
What the history of war makes clear is that 'remote control warfare' does not signal an abolition of restraints on war's destructive power. Using technology to strike safely at an opponent is as old as war itself. It has been seen in eras of highly-controlled and restrained warfare, and in eras of unrestrained total war-- and the present day, thankfully, belongs to the first category. Ultimately, restraints upon war are more a matter of politics than of technology. If you are concerned about American aggression, it is not the drones you should fear, but the politicians who order them into battle.
在开头,David Bell描述了战争进行方式的变化。他用对比的象征手法戏剧化的展现了这个变化。这场老式的战争,他用了'传统战斗方式'的标签,被呈现为海军的'重靴子' '践踏了海岸。。。' 这种形象可能会激起一种'合作'感,来自于好战主义者,和战争片的爱好者。这种新的风格象征是非人性化的技术被描述为'无人驾驶机,操控于千里之外'和'网络战争'和'干扰发射台'。 这些象征可能反应出Bell对于传统战争的偏见。他不支持士兵应该在战地面对面,但是他声称当战斗涉及到真实的人在以生命冒险,一个'对于谋杀性的激烈的军事行动的重要限制'是必要的。
在这样的前提下Bell声称对于'重要限制'的需求是落后于很多批判对于无人战争的否定。作为证据,Bell引用了'经济学人'提出的问题--科技已经消除了'一个重要限制'吗?Bell并不认可。他知道无人战争是新的。但是他也声称说着不是全新的,而且他支持这个说法通过给出其他发明的历史证据,这些发明已经让战斗者无需用自己的生命冒险来杀死敌人比如弓箭火药,Bell认为这些可以导致和无人机引起的同样的批判。位了强调这一点,Bell引用了Ariosto ,一个16世纪诗人,他对于一些'邪恶可怕的发现。。。毁灭了武术的荣耀战斗的英勇和美德'表示愤怒。进一步说明他的观点无人机的批判是错误的,Bell说自从1975年无名战争已经减少了。他再次使用历史事件来支撑自己的观点,说美国对于恐怖主义的战争已经发生'对于步兵来说要走的路比以前两次世界大战要少的多。'而且他还对于论点加了情感重拳,提到我们的'先辈'要打反击战。
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