Mark C. Today and throughout history, oppressed people set and pursue goals of freedom. In the 19th century during European imperialism, the British took control of India. As a British colony, India began to resent foreign domination. During the Indian Independence Movement in the 1920's, Mahatma Gandhi, India's political and spiritual leader set and pursued goals to achieve self-rule. His innovative idea of civil disobedience used nonviolence to bring about needed change. Gandhi said, "Nonviolence and truth are inseparable."Calling on Indians to boycott British goods especially British cloth,Handy urged Indians to weave their own cloth. In fact the peaceful spinning wheel was used as a symbol of Indian resistance to British rule. In addition to boycotts, Gandhi asked Indians to strike and demonstrate to achieve their objectives. The Indians could only buy salt from the British government so Gandhi and his followers walked 240 miles to the seacoast to make their own salt during the Salt March of 1930. British police officers with steel clubs attacked the peaceful demonstrators, but Gandhi and his followers held fast to their goals and refused to defend themselves and their attackers. The Indians' peaceful resistance gained worldwide support for Gandhi’s movement. By pursuing their goals, Indians eventually gained independence.
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