Apple 苹果公司
Krissy L. Another compelling illustration of the importance of creativity in our world today is the success of the technological company Apple, Inc. and its founder, Steve Jobs. Jobs founded the company in the late 1970s, and it has transformed over the last forty years into one of the largest and most successful electronics and technology production companies in the world. Apple, Inc. has created products such as the iPhone, iPod, and Macbook which serve a purpose in education, entertainment, and business. These products are unlike any other in the world of modem technology because they have features beyond that of past computers. Apple's products are so advanced that other brands can barely compete with their exceptional ideas. Without the creative minds fueling Apple's production, the company might have failed decades ago and the technology of the present world would be drastically different.
以乔布斯为支柱的关于苹果电脑的历史及其发展历程的这段内容写得相当不错, 史蒂夫·乔布斯比起比尔·盖茨来说,是一个更加具有远见卓识的人。Krissy在写这个段落时,用了很多细节,包括产品线的名称。能写出实实在在的细节,这才是一个好作者。
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