SAT写作万能例子:Charles Schulz/查尔斯舒尔茨
简介:查尔斯·舒尔茨(Charles M. Schulz),1922年11月26日出生于美国明尼苏达州,2000年2月12日因肠结癌辞世,享年77岁。他1950年开始创作史努比系列漫画,五十年来史努比、查理·布朗等故事人物的触角,已延伸至全球七十五个国家,透过21种翻译本刊登在2600家报纸上,以及3亿本漫画和50部卡通,估计每天陪伴3亿5千万读者一同欢笑。2001年又陆续刊登了查尔斯·舒尔茨在世时未发表的画稿。
写作例子:Charles Monroe Schulz is an Americancartoonist, whose comic strip Peanuts is considered to be one of the most popularand influential in the history of the medium. Although Charles was a shy, timidteenager, he was steadfast and persistent. It is his self-defeatingstubbornness and admirable perseverance in trying his best against all oddsthat made him a popular figure. He can never win a ballgame but continues toplay baseball; he can never fly a kite successfully but continues to do so.Although his drawings were first rejected by his high school yearbook and thenrefused by Disney, he persevered and created the world renowned Charlie Brownand Snoopy, known as Peanut comic, which reflects his own life. Peanuts ran for50 years, and, at its peak, appeared in more than 2,600 newspapers in 75countries. (138字)
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