SAT写作万能例子:Henry Ford/亨利福特
简介:亨利·福特(HenryFord,1863年7月30日—1947年4月8日),美国汽车工程师与企业家,福特汽车公司的建立者。他也是世界上第 一位使用流水线大批量生产汽车的人。他的生产方式使汽车成为一种大众产品,它不但革命了工业生产方式,而且对现代社会和文化起了巨大的影响。美国学者麦克·哈特所著的《影响人类历史进程的100名人排行榜》一书中,亨利·福特是唯 一上榜的企业家。
写作例子:Henry Ford, the American founder of theFord Motor Company, had been stimulated by Thomas Edison in his youth andfollowed Thomas Edison’s career then. In 1896, while attending acompany-sponsored convention in Manhattan Beach, New York, Henry Ford was introducedto the great inventor Thomas Edison. During their conversation, Edison askedthe young Henry Ford a host of questions and when the conversation was over,Edison emphasized his satisfaction by banging his fist down on the table."Young man," he said, "that's the thing! You have it!” To HenryFord, as he later indicated, that bang on the table was worth worlds.
After receiving the complete approval fromThomas Edison, Henry Ford strived to accomplish his invention of the cheap andconvenient Model T. After further improvements, the price of Model T decreasedfrom $850 to $225, a price that is affordable to most social classes. Thedesign later revolutionized the transportation industry in America becauseprior to its introduction, cars were a form of luxury that is only affordableto the upper echelons. And in just 19 years after the first introduction, thesales of the Model T had reached an astounding 15,007,034, a record which stoodfor the next 45 years. (204字)
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