-Unlike her sister Heather, who would always put spiders safely outside if she found them in the house, Joanne’s fear kept her from going anywhere near the creatures.
(A) Joanne’s fear kept her from going anywhere near the creatures
(B) Joanne’s fear is what kept her from going anywhere near the creatures
(C) fear is why Joanne had not gone anywhere near them
(D) Joanne was too afraid to go anywhere near the creatures
(E) they scared Joanne too much to go anywhere near them
The correct answer is D
Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by logically comparing a person, “Heather,” to another person, “Joanne,” instead of to a possessive noun, “Joanne’s fear.”
-According to the study, personality traits may vary as much from one dog to another as from one person to another.
Answer Choices
(A) as
(B) as it is
(C) as when they are
(D) than
(E) than they do
The correct answer is A
Choice (A) is correct. It avoids the errors of the other options by using the idiomatic “as” to completethe phrase “as much … as.”