inchoate ADJ./未成型的,早期的,刚开始的,发展中的/recently begun; rudimentary; elementary. Before the Creation, the world was an inchoate mass.
incidence N./发生;发生率;影响的范围、频度;入射角;关联,相结合,对接/rate of occurrence; particular occurrence. Health professionals expressed great concern over the high incidenceof infant mortality in major urban areas.
incidental ADJ./不重要的;少数的/not essential; minor. The scholarship covered his major expenses at college and some of his incidental expenses as well.
incipient ADJ./开始;早期的/beginning; in an early stage. I will go to sleep early for I want to break an incipient cold.
incisive ADJ./尖锐;深刻,激烈/cutting; sharp. His incisive remarks made us see the fallacy in our plans.
incite V./煽动,刺激,驱使/arouse to action; goad; motivate; induce to exist. In a fiery speech, Mario incited his fellow students to go out on strike to protest the university's anti-affirmative action stand.
inclement ADJ./险恶的;严酷的/stormy; unkind. In inclement weather, I like to curl up on the sofa with a good book and listen to the storm blowing outside.
incline N./倾斜,斜面/slope; slant. The architect recommended that the nursing home's ramp be rebuilt because its incline was too steep for wheelchairs.
inclined ADJ./倾向;倾向于,弯曲/tending or leaning toward; bent. Though I am inclinedto be skeptical, the witness's manner inclines me to believe his story. alsoV.
inclusive ADJ./包揽一切的/tending to include all. The comedian turned down the invitation to join the Players' Club, saying any club that would let him in was too inclusive for him.
incoherent ADJ./缺乏逻辑的,不聪明的;陈腐的/unintelligible; muddled; illogical. The excited fan blushed and stammered, her words becoming almost incoherent in the thrill of meeting her favorite rock star face to face. incoherence, N.
incompatibleADJ./不和谐;不兼容/inharmonious. The married couple argued incessantly and finally decided to separate because they were incompatible. incompatibility, N.
incongruousADJ./不调和的;荒谬的/not fitting; absurd. Dave saw nothing incongruous about wearing sneakers with his tuxedo; he couldn't understand why his date took one look at him and started to laugh. incongruity, N.
inconsequential ADJ./不合理的,不重要的/insignificant; unimportant. Brushing off Ali's apologies for having broken the wineglass, Tamara said, "Don't worry about it; it'sinconsequential."
inconsistency N./不一致的,自相矛盾的/state of being self-contradictory; lack of uniformity or steadiness. How are lawyers different from agricultural inspectors? While lawyers checkinconsistencies in witnesses' statements, agricultural inspectors check inconsistencies in Grade A eggs. inconsistent,ADJ.
incontinentADJ./缺乏自制力,放肆/lacking self-restraint; licentious. His incontinent behavior off stage so shocked many people that they refused to attend the plays and movies in which he appeared.
incontrovertible ADJ./无疑的,无可争议的/indisputable; not open to question. Unless you find the evidenceagainst my client absolutely incontrovertible, you must declare her not guilty of this charge.
incorporateV./合并,联合/introduce something into a larger whole; combine; unite. Breaking with precedent, President Truman ordered the military to incorporate blacks into every branch of the armed services. alsoADJ.
incorporeal ADJ./非物质的,无形的;无实体的/lacking a material body; insubstantial. While Casper the friendly ghost is an incorporeal being, nevertheless he and his fellow ghosts make quite an impact on the physical world.
incorrigible ADJ./不可救药/not correctable. Though Widow Douglass hoped to reform Huck, Miss Watson called him incorrigible and said he would come to no good end.
incredulousADJ./怀疑的/withholding belief; skeptical. When Jack claimed he hadn't eaten the jelly doughnut, Jill took an incredulous look at his smeared face and laughed. incredulity, N.
increment N./增加/increase. The new contract calls for a 10 percent increment in salary for each employee for the next two years.
incriminate V./控告/accuse. The evidence gathered against the racketeers incriminates some high public officials as well.
incrustation N./驻扎/hard coating or crust. In dry dock, we scraped off the incrustation of dirt and barnacles that covered the hull of the ship.
incubate V./孵卵/hatch; scheme. Inasmuch as our supply of electricity is cut off, we shall have to rely on the hens to incubate these eggs.
inculcate V./谆谆教导/teach; instill. In an effort to inculcate religious devotion, the officials ordered that the school day begin with the singing of a hymn.
incumbent ADJ./义不容辞的,职责在身的/obligatory; currently holding an office. It isincumbent upon all incumbent elected officials to keep accurate records of expenses incurred in office. also N.
incur V./招致/bring upon oneself. His parents refused to pay any future debts he mightincur.
incursion N./袭击/temporary invasion. The nightly incursions and hit-and-run raids of our neighbors across the border tried the patience of the country to the point where we decided to retaliate in force.
indefatigable ADJ./疲倦/tireless. Although the effort of taking out the garbage tired Wayne out for the entire morning, when it came to partying, he was indefatigable.
indelible ADJ./去不掉的;不可磨灭的/not able to be erased. The indelible ink left a permanent mark on my shirt. Young Bill Clinton's meeting with President Kennedy made anindelible impression on the youth.
indentationN./槽;小开口/notch; deep recess. You can tell one tree from another by examining their leaves and noting the differences in the indentations along the edges of the leaves. indent,V.
indenture V./契约/bind as servant or apprentice to master. Many immigrants could come to America only after they had indentured themselves for several years. also N.
indeterminate ADJ./不确定/uncertain; not clearly fixed; indefinite. That interest rates shall rise appears certain; when they will do so, however, remains indeterminate.
indicative ADJ./预示的/suggestive; implying. A lack of appetite may be indicative of a major mental or physical disorder.
indices n.PL. /符号;暗示/signs; indications. Many college admissions officers believe that SAT scores and high school grades are the best indices of a student's potential to succeed in college. N.SG. index.
indict V./控告;起诉/charge. The district attorney didn't want to indict the suspect until she was sure she had a strong enough case to convince a jury. indictment, N.
indifferent ADJ./普通的,无关紧要的/unmoved or unconcerned by; mediocre. Because Ann felt no desire to marry, she was indifferent to Carl's constant proposals. Not only was sheindifferent to him personally, but she felt that, given his general silliness, he would make anindifferent husband.
indigenousADJ.native. Cigarettes are made of tobacco, a plant indigenous to the New World.
indigent ADJ./穷困的/poor; destitute. Someone who is truly indigent can't even afford to buy a pack of cigarettes. [Don't mix up indigent and indigenous. See previous sentence.]
indignationN./义愤;愤慨/anger at an injustice. He felt indignation at the ill-treatment of helpless animals.
indignity N./侮辱/offensive or insulting treatment. Although he seemed to accept cheerfully the indignities heaped upon him, he was inwardly very angry.
indiscretion N./轻率;莽撞/lack of tactfulness or sound judgment. Terrified that the leastindiscretion could jeopardize his political career, the novice politician never uttered an unguarded word. indiscreet,ADJ.
indiscriminate ADJ./随意的;不分青红皂白的/choosing at random; confused. She disapproved of her son's indiscriminate television viewing and decided to restrict him to educational programs.
indisputableADJ./没有争论余地;非常清楚的/too certain to be disputed. In the face of theseindisputable statements, I withdraw my complaint.
indissoluble ADJ./不能分解的;永久的/permanent. The indissoluble bonds of marriage are all too often being dissolved.
indoctrinate V./教导;灌输/instruct in a doctrine or ideology. CubanAmericans resisted sending Elian Gonzalez back to Cuba because he would be indoctrinated there with Communist principles.
indolent ADJ./懒惰/lazy. Couch potatoes lead an indolent life lying back on their Lazyboy recliners watching Tv.indolence, N.
indomitable ADJ./不屈服的;不可被征服的/unconquerable; unyielding. Focusing on her game despite all her personal problems, tennis champion Steffi Graf proved she had an indomitable will to win.
indubitableADJ./不容置疑的;无疑的/unable to be doubted; unquestionable. Auditioning for the chorus line, Molly was an indubitable hit: the director fired the leading lady and hired Molly in her place!
induce V./劝诱;导致,引起/persuade; bring about. After the quarrel, Tina said nothing could induce her to talk to Tony again.inducement, N.
indulgent ADJ./宽容,纵容,溺爱/humoring; yielding; lenient. Jay's mom was excessively indulgent she bought him every Nintendo cartridge and video game on the market. Sheindulged Jay so much, she spoiled him rotten.
industriousADJ./勤奋的,努力的/diligent; hard-working. Look busy when the boss walks by your desk; it never hurts to appear industrious. industry, N.
inebriated ADJ./醉的/habitually intoxicated; drunk. Abe was inebriated more often than he was sober. Because of his inebriety, he was discharged from his job as a bus driver.
ineffable ADJ./不可言喻的,无法用语言表达的;不能说的,避讳的/unutterable; cannot be expressed in speech. Such ineffable joy must be experienced; it cannot be described.
ineffectual ADJ./无效的,弱的/not effective; weak. Because the candidate failed to get across his message to the public, his campaign was ineffectual.
inefficaciousADJ./无能的,无效的/not effective; unable to produce a desired result. All Lois's coaxing and urging was inefficacious: Clark still refused to join her and Superman for dinner. inefficacy, N.
inept ADJ./不相称的,不合适的,不称职的/lacking skill; unsuited; incompetent. The ineptglovemaker was all thumbs.
inequity N./不公平/unfairness. In demanding equal pay for equal work, women protest the basic inequity of a system that gives greater financial rewards to men.
inert ADJ./惰性的,不活跃的/inactive; lacking power to move. "Get up, you lazybones," she cried to her husband, who lay in bed inert. inertia, N.
inevitable ADJ./不可避免地/unavoidable. Though death and taxes are both supposedlyinevitable, some people avoid paying taxes for years.
inexorable ADJ./无情的;残酷的/relentless; unyielding; implacable. After listening to the pleas for clemency, the judge was inexorable and gave the convicted man the maximum punishment allowed by law.
infallible ADJ./一贯正确的/unerring. We must remember that none of us is infallible; we all make mistakes.
infamous ADJ./臭名昭著的,恶名远扬的/notoriously bad. Charles Manson and Jeffrey Dahmer are both infamous killers.
infantile ADJ./婴儿的,幼稚的/childish. When will he outgrow such infantile behavior?
infer V./推导,总结/deduce; conclude. From the students' glazed looks, it was easy for me to infer that they were bored out of their minds. inference, N.
infernal ADJ./魔鬼的,地狱的/pertaining to hell; devilish. Batman was baffled: he could think of no way to hinder the Joker's infernal scheme to destroy the city.
infidel N./异教徒,异端;不信宗教的/unbeliever. The Saracens made war against theinfidels.
infiltrate V./渗透/pass into or through; penetrate (an organization) sneakily. In order to be able to infiltrate enemy lines at night without being seen, the scouts darkened their faces and wore black coveralls. infiltrator, N.
infinitesimal ADJ./微小的/very small. In the twentieth century, physicists have made their greatest discoveries about the characteristics of infinitesimal objects like the atom and its parts.
infirmity N./弱点/weakness. Her greatest infirmity was lack of willpower.
inflated ADJ./夸张的,虚华的,被放大的/exaggerated; pompous; enlarged (with air or gas). His claims about the new product were inflated, it did not work as well as he had promised.
influx N./注入,流入/flowing into. The influx of refugees into the country has taxed the relief agencies severely.
informal ADJ./非正式的;不拘礼节的/absence of ceremony; casual. The English teacher preferred informal discussions to prepared lectures.
infraction N./打破(常规)/violation (of a rule or regulation); breach. When Dennis Rodman butted heads with that referee, he committed a clear infraction of NBA rules.
infuriate V./激怒,热火/enrage; anger. Her big brother's teasing always infuriatedMargaret; no matter how hard she tried to keep her temper, he always got her goat.
infusion N./灌输;浸泡;注入/act of introducing or instilling a quality; liquid solution. The rookie quarterback brought an infusion of new life and vigor to the tired team. infuse,V.
ingenious ADJ./聪明的/clever; resourceful. Kit admired the ingenious way that her computer keyboard opened up to reveal the built-in CD-ROM below. ingenuity, N.
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