Writing & Language
A number of growing career fields 【which are facinga crisis】, a shortage of educators to train a futureworkforce. Specifically, postsecondary trainingprograms in trade and industrial occupations such aswelding, manufacturing, and auto repair lack enoughqualified instructors to prepare students to embarkon these career paths. The problem is compounded by the fact that it is difficult to lure skilledworkers away from jobs in these more lucrative trades for jobs in the modestly paying field ofeducation. To address the shortage, postsecondary training programs would do well to recruitskilled professionals from TI fields to teach as adjunct faculty (part-time instructors). Teachingpart-time would allow experienced professionals to help educate the future workforce whileretaining their positions in the private sector.
Which choice makes most clear that a thermometer was wrapped in a wet paper towel?
B.are facing a crisis, there's
C.are facing a crisis:
D.facing a crisis,
Choice C is the best answer because it results in a grammatical sentence, avoiding sentence boundary issues such as fragments, comma splices, and run-ons.
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