


2019年08月15日 15:55:37来源:雅思考试网


Describe a time when a piece of equipment was broken(such as TV)


You should say:

What it was

What problem it was

What you did after it was broken

And explain how you felt about it

我想讲讲前些天我笔记本坏掉的事情。上周我们搬家的时候不小心给摔了一下,然后开不了机了。我当 时急着在电脑上做一个ppt文档,可把我急坏了。给维修人员打电话,好在师傅效率非常高,原来是里面 有个零件撞坏了,换了配件就好了。我也顺利完成了ppt文件。

I want to talk about when my laptop didn’t work. I’ve had it for almost five years. It was pretty expensive when I bought it because I hoped that it could last longer than average. And it did! It’s definitely of sound quality,(质量好) runs smoothly and has a huge memory bank.(内存大) It serves my needs just fine! Unfortunately, it slipped on the ground accidentally last week when I was moving houses. The fixed disk sprung apart from the laptop(硬盘一下被摔出来了). I can tell you, my heart was broken right at that point! Not only because I loved that laptop, but also all my files were saved on it. You know, those files were really hard work! I immediately called the repair center and asked them to send someone over. Because I happened to have an urgent PPT to complete that day, whoever took the phone call, probably heard my anxiety on the phone. The repairman came like ten minutes later. Apparently, not only the disk was not working anymore, the screen was damaged too. But the good news was that the repairman was pretty experienced and he had already anticipated the problems.(他已经预料到会出现的问题) He brought a spare screen and all the tools needed. After about one hour, my laptop was good again! And the whole thing didn’t cost much money either. He charged me only four hundred bucks. That’s a pretty reasonable price for repairing a laptop in my city. Because of him, I got to finish my work just before the deadline. I couldn’t express how thankful I was to him! I called that repairing center again that afternoon and gave a positive review of his work.





