


2019年08月06日 15:51:10来源:雅思考试网


Describe a complaint that you were satisfied with the result.


You should say:

Who you complained to

What you complained about

When it happened

And explain why you were satisfied with the result

上星期我在准备考试,没有时间出去买饭,点了外卖,外卖员送迟了一个小时。当时我又饿又渴,结果 外卖员还忘记给我带水了。我当时就特别生气,快递小哥赶紧给我道歉,然后直接去超市里给我买了两瓶 绿茶,回来说这单可以免费送我,我很佩服他的服务精神,不仅没有取消,还给了他一个好评

I’m gonna talk about a complaint I made to a delivery guy. Well, it was not an official complaint, I mean, it didn’t go on record.(也不算是个正式的投诉,只能说是抱怨。) Because he was thoughtful enough to notice my dissatisfaction and solved the problem before it turned into a serious matter. I had been cramming for an exam for the last two weeks(我上两周都在筹备一个考试), a very important one. Basically , I spent the whole day studying, no time for even buying myself food! I was ordering takeaway for almost two weeks! One of those times, I ordered dumplings with a bottle of cold mineral water. I made the order at about 12pm, but my food didn’t come until half past 1. By coincidence, the school supermarket was closed that day! I couldn’t even get snacks! It was an extremely hot day, nearly 40 degrees. I was hungry, thirsty and sweating! When the delivery guy finally came, he was terribly sorry that he forgot to bring the cold water! Well, I was terribly mad! He obviously got the message! He apologized sincerely, then returned to his bike and rode away. I thought he just left and that was it! I swear I was getting fired up!(我当时真的要气炸了) But about ten minutes later, he returned with two cold green teas and asked me to cancel my order, which meant that he would pay for my meal plus water and free delivery service. I was glad that I hadn’t made an official complaint about him.(庆幸我当时没有投诉他) Well, it would have been awkward if I had.(如果投诉了就尴尬了) Looking at him sweating from head to toe, I thanked him and left him a five-star review instead.





