


2019年07月30日 16:34:54来源:雅思考试网


Describe a time that you had to change your mind/plan


You should say:

When this happened

What made you change the plan/mind What the new plan/mind was

And explain how you felt about the change

高中毕业面临着出国留学还是留在国内念大学的选择,考虑到当时的英语水平不足,出国之后无法与当 地人正常交流,于是我选择留在国内念大学,多学几年英语,提升英语水平,现在感觉很值得,在大学里 交到了真心的朋友,英语水平也提升很多,现在正在准备出国念研究生

After graduating from high school, I faced the choice between going to college domestically(在国 内) and studying abroad. Although it happened more than three years ago, the tangled feelings(纠 结的心情) I experienced at that time are still impressive to me. Studying abroad was fairly attractive to many students, including me, for mainly two reasons. The first reason was that going abroad was a perfect excuse for us to avoid the college entrance examination, which was, it is not exaggerated to say(豪不夸张的说), everyone’s nightmare. The other reason is that many of us are curious about life in a foreign country, away from the control of parents. However, considering that my English skill is not good enough to pass the SAT and I couldn’t communicate with local people smoothly, I finally decided to stay in China and join the college entrance examination. In this way, I would have more time to improve my English. Actually, now I can say, that was a wise choice. After the high school, I went to another city to go to college. At first, I felt overwhelmed(不知所措) about facing all the stuff in a completely new place by myself, but I gradually got used to it and started to enjoy the freedom. I also made many friends coming from different countries. It felt amazing that people from all corners of the country(来自五湖四海) with different habits and stories were gathering together. Therefore, I feel really grateful about the choice I made, because I can’t imagine what I would miss if I chose the other way.





