


2018年03月26日 09:52:35来源:公共英语考试网




Write a composition of 160-200 words by referring to the following information.

The Relationship Between An Artist and Society

Some people think that a true artist is a toiler of a unique talent that differentiates him from the rest of the society. others believe that the artist is a part of the society.

There is a discussion on newspaper in these two viewpoints.Write an essay to the magazine and justify your stand.

Your essay should be based on the following outline.

1. The artist is a product of the society in which…

2. It is society that imposes a structure on the artist, and the successful artist.

3. The artist is also greatly affected by the physical resources of his society.

4. Finally, the artist must reflect the value,…


本课的写作题目考察的是段首句作文的写作 . 段首句作文 , 顾名思义 , 指的是给出段首句 , 要求考生据此补充扩展 , 使之成为一个完整的段落。这是目前很流行的一种命题形式 , 因此它即能测试学生的写作能力 , 又基本规定了思路 , 便于阅卷评分 .

首先看清题目要求 . 这类作文一般分为三或四段 , 有些题目要求每段字数大体一致 , 平均使用笔墨 ; 有些没有这种要求 , 则三段的长短可以不一致 , 可根据主题来发挥,只要总数字符合要求即可 .

在写作之前存在审题的问题 . 给出段首句的文章仍然有个文章的总标题 , 这个标题就应该是文章的中心思想 ; 不同只处在于 , 一般的命题作文 , 由于作者的观点 , 立场 , 的不同或者阐述角度的差异 , 文章的内容可能十分不同或者截然相反 , 而给出的段首句的文章已基本规定了阐述角度和思路 , 因此这类作文的审题就应该将作文标题和段首句结合起来考虑 . 各个段首句就像是一个框架 , 一个提纲 , 考生要做的 , 就是在标题的指导下 , 按照所给的框架来完成具体部分 . 要注意段首句并非是主题句 , 有时只是短语或其他变化形式 , 但万变不离其宗 , 我们掌握了总的方法 , 这类题目写起来就不困难了 .

段首句作文主要有如下三种类型 :

1. 平行式 . 每一段的段首句都表达了一个观点或一种思想 , 这些观点或思想并没有先后主次之分 , 无递进关系 , 也无因果关系 , 属并列型 .

2. 递进式 . 递进式既是各个段首句表达了一种递进的关系 , 层层深入 , 由浅入深 .

3. 对照式 . 这种形式与平行式很相似 , 只不过他具有很明显的对照特点 .


第1段 : 先提出问题 . 艺术家是社会的产物 , 有一些人认为艺术家具有的天赋使他从社会中被分离出来 , 而另一些人认为艺术家是社会的一部分 . 我赞同后一种观点 .

第2段 : 社会生活和经历给艺术家的创作提供了源泉 . 成功的艺术家都善于观察和感受生活 .

第3段 : 艺术家的创作也受到社会生活的影响 . 不同的生活经历 , 不同的生活时期 , 同一个艺术家创作出内容不同 , 风格迥异的艺术作品 .

第4段 : 艺术家的创作要反映生活 , 反映价值 . 脱离了这一点 , 就不能创作出优秀的作品 . 所以说 , 艺术来源于生活 , 生活改造了艺术 , 艺术家确实是社会的一部分 .

参考范文 :

the Relationship between an Artist and Society

An artist is a product of the society in which art works are very popular among the people. He or she is required to provide people with more and more, better and better art works. Some people think that a true artist is a tailor of a unique talent that differentiates him from the rest of society. others believe that the artist is a part of the society. personally, I share the latter point of view.

It is society that imposes a structure on the artist, and a successful artist does well in observing the society and experiencing the life. It always seems to us that an artist, with advanced skills in many fields, can create the art works independently. However, the role of real social life and experience in an artist's work cannot be underestimated. An artist is more eager to feel and touch the society than anyone else. It is obvious that all the source material an artist uses comes from life. Without it, an artist can do nothing.

An artist is also greatly affected by the physical resources of his society. Many great artists all over the world created different art works in different periods of their lives, with different focus and style. Nobody can deny that this is the result of the social life and experience. For instance, Ernest Hemingway, one of the 20th century's most important writers, has abundant life experience as a reporter, a soldier, a sportsman and etc. His writing has been influenced a lot by what he did throughout his life.


Write an essay on the “Construction of Information superhighway System”. You are supposed to include:

1. What’s information Superhighway System?

2. Advantages of the construction of the system and problems involved.

3. Your attitude and conclusion.


本课的写作属于提纲式作文。从总体上讲,本课的写作属于议论文范畴的advantage and disadvantages 类,即要求就某一事物的优点和缺点进行阐述,然后表达自己的态度和观点。











Construction of Information Superhighway System

The 20th century has seen many developments in science and technology. The development of information superhighway system serves as one of the most notable examples. As the latest product of the “technology revolution”, the information superhighway has ushered in a new era of global information. But what’s the information superhighway system? Actually, it’s not the highway for our daily traffic, it’s a network formed by the connection of billions of computers jin the world, making the information transfer and exchange more convenient and cheaper. From it we can easily get any information we need.

There is no denying that the information superhighway system can vastly improve the efficiency of scientific research; it allows scientist swift access to all the data and research findings in their field available worldwide. Moreover as information is as valuable as any material resource, anyone who has access t the latest information has competitive advantage in business over those who don’t last but not le4ast, it can make the personal communication both more conve4nient and more rapid.

However, as the old saying goes, every coin has two sides and that includes the information superhighway system, which can be a strain on the budget of a developing country. For another, not all the information available on this system is either useful or harmless; the downloaded violent and pornographic items can have a bad influence on the youth.

But, all in all, I believe that the pros outweigh the cons. As the globalization of the world economy, any country which falls behind in the “information race” will become economically backward. The construction and development of information superhighway system be greatly advocated.





