As a documentary television program broadcast by China’s Central Television, The News Probe investigates various news stories and scandals, revealing China’s social problems and the inadequacies of its state policies. To be more specific, the program has developed a unique style that makes people aware of most social problems by continuously questioning and criticizing a range of social issues. Such issues include the proliferation of the AIDS, the problems of the greenhouse effect and government corruption. The program also reports on Chinese affairs in connection with other countries from an unbiased and objective standpoint.
reveal 揭露、显示
=disclose, uncover, investigate
✎ reveal the truth
✎ 反义词:hide, conceal, enclose
to be more specific 具体来说
=specifically, to specify
✎ Computers have become part of the interactive audio-visual media. To be more specific, PowerPoint presentations and animation software can be used to teach students in an interactive manner.
专题报道 feature article
时事节目 current affairs program
教育节目 educational program
新闻报道 news report
经济新闻 business news
纪录片 documentary
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