Section 1
场景:Holiday Accommodation
题型:填空 10
填空 10:
1. Location for children is very: safe
2. Has a swimming pool that is heated
3. Provide with milk, tea and other beverages
4. A collection of family games
5. Kitchen facility can be used: microwave
6. A supermarket not far away
7. Take 40 minutes
8. A bicycle can be rented
9. Other facility: cinema
10. Cost :the beginning week before 22nd August :915/950 is normal
Section 2
标题:Race Enrollment
题型:单选题 5+配对类流程图 5
单选 5:
11.从学校和机构的钱给社区用 C
12. 在比赛前准备 C
13. 需要携带的东西是合适的衣服(水是干扰)B
14. 路不平(行人等不会影响)C
15. B
配对类流程图: 题干和选项替换都不多,选项简短,相似话题不太多
The Race Enrollement
16.B 填表要有 address
17. C
18. E
19. A
20. G 有 aid organisation
Section 3
题型:单选题 5+配对题 5
配对 4:狄更斯作品女性人物性格配对 6 选 4
21. 女主角 1. 刻薄不受人喜欢 A
22. 女主角 2. 行为 silly 像孩子一样,但没有孩子那么天真 innocent F
23. 女主角 3:G
24. 女主角 4:很漂亮自己没有意识到这一点,喜欢整人 D
多选 6:
25-26. BC
27-28. DC
29-30. BC
Section 4
标题:Sea Creature called Leather Turtle
题型:填空 10
内容概述: 本文介绍了革龟的整体特性和个别母龟的特点
填空 10:
Has an extinct shape /skin can help movement in the sea The shell is soft to protect them under deep sea Ability to sleep when under water for several hours Feeding the jellyfish that contain lots of vitamins /minerals Further research:
5.Use huge net to catch the turtle
6. The device can transmit signal when the turtle back on surface
7. System avoid battery out of power
8. Can monitor the location and the depth
9. A different female turtle with no nail ?
10. A female turtle: can save energy when feeding