Passage 1
题目: Austrian rock art
题型:表格填空 5+单句填空 3+判断题 5
第 一部分讲解澳大利亚岩石艺术的起源特点,从冰川时期前到冰川时期后
表格填空题 5
1. ceremonies
2. territory
3. wandjina
4. adornments
5. mouths
notes 填空题 3:
6. 1977
7. sketches
8. dress
判断题 5
9. the size varies T
10. It is easy to find F
11. Sb’s opinion was opposed at once by other researchers NG
12. Similarities between this art and African art has been found F
13. Radiocarbon dating is impossible applied to this art. T
Passage 2
题目: useful plants
题型: 信息包含 6+match3+单句填空 4
段落句子配对 6
14. 待补充
15. reference of how many plants are needed in a room D
16. put plants in a whole public building G
17. comparing the indoor and outdoor pollutants B
18. 待补充
雅思在线练习 top.zhan.com 最海量的题库最真实的模拟
19. people’s increasing concern about indoor pollutants B Match 3
20. difference to verify VOGS makes it hard to clear measurement of indoor environmental security E
21. Plants absorbing pollutants become popular D
22. Research shows that plants can absorb pollutants effectively A
单句填空 4
23. building materials
24. small pores
25. Ventilation
26. perfect ornamentals
Passage 3
题目: business research
题型:单选 5+判断 5+句子配对 4
第 一部分讲解大部分的 business research 目前是不具备实际运用
单选题 5
27. D
28. D
29. C
30. A
31. B
判断 5
32. whether business research should focus on practical use is a new topic N
33. A and B ‘s opinion should be ignored. N
34. The funds college received depends on research contents.Y
35. 某个 magazines is popular among managers NG
36. Editor believe inductive research is more popular than ...N
句子配对 4
37. 某个组织 make the controversial proposes to B
38. Professors think academic journals only focus on academics 答案待补充
39. Professors choose research because their job depends on it D
40. Schools choose inductive research because their rankings depend on it. A