Task:Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. Do you agree or disagree?
气候变化是一个全球性的问题。前几年大家谈及最多的就是气候变暖(global warming, greenhouse effect)问题,好像地球大难临头的样子。近些年科学界对这个问题又有了重新认识,全球变暖的问题好像并不那么迫切了。因此,7月16日这个雅思作文题目才得以出台。要在15年前出这个题目,估计雅思考试本身都会被人喷死!那么,现在,这个问题提出就没有风险了。面对气候变化,我们应该努力去避免它,还是努力去适应它?
Climate change has become a worldwide issue in recent decades. The Earth, according to some scientists, is becoming warmer and warmer and this is an alert signal for the future safety of the Earth. For these scientists, we must do something to prevent the climate from becoming worse. Meanwhile, there are also scientists who do not think much of the climate change and therefore suggest that we do nothing but find a way to live with it. For my part, I agree with the second group of scientists.
To reverse the climate change is never an easy undertaking. The widely acknowledged causes of climate change include the automobile gas emissions, factory pollution, deforestation, among others. If we wish to prevent the climate change, we will have to significantly reduce the use of cars and airplanes, close most of the factories and stop people from cutting trees. This means that, in order to make the Earth become cooler by one or two centigrade degree, our normal life will have to sacrifice. This is a cost most of us would never want to pay, although we have been repeatedly told of the benefits of doing so to the future generation.
Then, in face of climate change, rather than trying to prevent it, we'd better try to find a way to live with it. For instance, when the hotter climate makes it impossible to grow a certain vegetable in summer, we can grow it earlier than now, store it and then eat it when the weather becomes too hot. Also, we can develop new technologies to grow the vegetable we need even when the climate has changed. Furthermore, when it is necessary, we can make adjustments about our work hours. If the weather has become intolerably hot, we can have a few days off and make up when it gets back to normal. Such flexibilities will help us solve the climate change problem and at the same time will not bring down our productivity.
Climate change is not a good thing, but for the time being, I do not think we should take expensive and costly measures to prevent it. Rather, I believe we should find a way to live with it.