Section 1
场景:job application
题型:填空 10
内容概述:没有提及具体应聘什么工作 主要讲个人信息和先前工作经验
填空 10:
1. 生日:8 th November 2. 电话:0777 3. 地址:Flat 22A 4. insurance
5. location
6. cleaning
7. health
8. newspaper
9. interview
10. 9:50
Section 2
题型:多选 3+配对 4
11. B house of poor area
12. D rented accommodation
13.B people are asleep
14 E people think they can put out the fire by themselves
15. C candle
16. E overload electricity
17. installation of fire alarms—— easier than they think
18. discussion of fire escape—— often postponed
19. cleaning of fire alarms-—— do regularly
20. advice on location for fire alarm —— free
Section 3
场景:market research for Portlands Clothing Company
题型:单选题 6+多选 2
内容概述:本文讲述了两个学生和一个教授讨论他们跟 Portlands 公司合作做市场调查的结果以及老师对他们 presentation 的建议
单选题 5:
21. C Portland 公司存在问题:unsystematic
22. B 为什么两位同学被选中感到很幸运 Portaland share information
23. B arrangement for upgrade database
24. C database 最 大的问题 有些公司的数据被输入好几次
25. A Portland 被 appreciate 的原因:good customer relationship
26. A 公司需要做的 improvement
27. B react negatively 28. D massage has to be short 29. check timings 30. creativity
Section 4
标题:Lost written words
题型:填空 10
内容概述: 本文介绍了古代几种消失的文字
填空 10:
31.sample 需要大量 sample
32.names 33.monument 34. context 35 text 36 oldest 37 circle 38.printing