G写作题目: "Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society."
写作思路解析及提纲: 2、同意,防止不良竞争 1、经济领域,竞争可以提高产品质量,促进创新 更好的质量、服务、创新的动力,消费者受益 2、政治领域,竞争可以选出最有能力的,人民受益 竞争中,承诺福利,个人能力;防止无能政府 3、不良竞争对社会带来问题,如压力,不正当竞争 学生成绩竞争;工作岗位竞争;immoral竞争,slag off behind the back 2T "Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society." 归根结底,竞争对于社会是利多弊少。 4 ①使得更有效率。A 同事之间竞争 B优胜劣汰 ②增加社会福利。如:竞选时,使得民众对于该选谁更清晰。 ③当竞争失控时,会有问题。如:超出法律和道德的界限 ④导致社会上人们普遍压力增大 Through competing, the one who is most eligible is put on the right place, and then will produce much more values than those who are not competent as he or she. While, on the other hand, if a competition is fraught with adulteration and illegality, it will bring deterioration to the society rather than progress. A case in point is related to market economy.
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