

2019年03月05日 10:34:17来源:GRE考试网



A critical consensus has emerged that Mary McCarthy will be remembered primarily as an essayist rather than as a novelist. But despite her formidable gifts as a polemical and discursive writer, and for all her reputation as an intellectual who sacrificed feeling to intelligence, what powers McCarthy’s best essays are her fictional rather than strictly intellectual gifts. She makes her points by telling stories or by way of vivid description, arresting images and subtle characterization. And for all her exacting sense of fact, McCarthy’s greatest contribution was to blur the distinctions between different kinds of prose writing: to show how fiction could be opened up to the thinking mind and how essays could profit from the techniques of fiction.

For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

1. The author of the passage suggests that Mary McCarthy’s writing is characterized by

A. The use in her essays of devices more typical in works of fiction

B. A narrowing of the differences between narrative and expository prose

C. Careful attention to factual accuracy.

2. In the context in which it appears, “discursive” most nearly means

A. Prolific

B. Sophistic

C. Rambling

D. Analytical

E. Circuitous


A critical consensus has emerged that Mary McCarthy will be remembered primarily as an essayist rather than as a novelist.

评论界已大多同意,MM 主要是一位杂文家而非小说家。


But despite her formidable gifts as a polemical and discursive writer, and for all her reputation as an intellectual who sacrificed feeling to intelligence, what powers McCarthy’s best essays are her fictional rather than strictly intellectual gifts.

可尽管她凭逻辑和论证写作展现出惊人天赋,且作为一位知识分子以智力驾驭情感著称,但令 M 的杂文最有力量的,是她的虚构写作天赋而非完全是智力天赋。


She makes her points by telling stories or by way of vivid description, arresting images and subtle characterization.



And for all her exacting sense of fact, McCarthy’s greatest contribution was to blur the distinctions between different kinds of prose writing: to show how fiction could be opened up to the thinking mind and how essays could profit from the techniques of fiction.

而且因对写实感的苛求,M 最 大的贡献在于模糊了不同杂文写作的区别:在于展示了虚构写作如何能够对思考开放,以及虚构写作的技巧如何能够为杂文服务。

For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

1. The author of the passage suggests that Mary McCarthy’s writing is characterized by

A. The use in her essays of devices more typical in works of fiction

B. A narrowing of the differences between narrative and expository prose

C. Careful attention to factual accuracy.


根据句 2:… what powers McCarthy’s best essays areher fictional rather than strictly intellectual gifts.

以及句 4:

And for all her exacting sense of fact, McCarthy’s greatest contribution was to blur the distinctionsbetween different kinds of prose writing: to show how fiction could be opened up to the thinking mind and how essays could profit from the techniques of fiction.

2. In the context in which it appears, “discursive” most nearly means

A. Prolific

B. Sophistic

C. Rambling

D. Analytical

E. Circuitous

选 D

prolific 多产的

sophistic 诡辩的,似是而非的

rambling 闲逛的,蔓延的,不连贯的,(文章等)长且离题的,东拉西扯的

analitical 分析的

circuitous 迂回的,曲折的

discursive 东拉西扯的,推论的,证明的

纵观全文,没有任何证据说明 M 的杂文罗嗦,主题不鲜明,东拉西扯,所以文中的 discursive 只可能是 analitical 分析的,推论的,跟文中 polemical 辩论的 近义。





