

2019年02月26日 10:01:50来源:GRE考试网



1. discretion n. 谨慎 , 慎重 , 自行决定 词频:2 [dis'kreʃən]

近义词:care / caution

例句:Brokers possess broad discretion over where they set their fees relative to published fee schedules.(FORBES: Price Wars Heat Up Investment World)

2. invigoration n. 精力充沛 , 生机勃勃 词频:2 [inˌvigə'reiʃən]

近义词:inspiration / stimulation

例句:The re-invigoration of research ought to include a new grant making process at NIH.(FORBES: Are We Thwarting Medical Innovation?)

3. refinement n. 精致 , 文雅 , 改良 , 提炼 词频:2 [ri'fainmənt]

近义词:cultivation / purification

例句:The 2004 pickups, each with a distinct image, set a new standard in refinement. (FORBES: Magazine Article)

4. contumacy n. 拒不服从 , 倔强 词频:2 ['kɔntjuməsi]

5. resolution n. 决心 , 决议 , 解决 , 分辨率 词频:2 [ˌrezə'lju:ʃən]

近义词:settlement / decision / determination / push / backbone

例句:I've got a bill that's coming out, a resolution I'm going to put out shortly.(NPR: Genocide Resolution Riles Turkey, White House)

6. desperation n. 绝望 词频:2 [ˌdespə'reiʃən]

例句:Police told reporters there was "no doubt" Dionisi and Sopranzi committed suicide out of desperation.(CNN: SHARE THIS)

7. obstinacy n. 倔强 , 顽固 词频:2 ['ɔbstinəsi]

近义词:stiffness / persistence

例句:Rudolf Scharping, former party leader and now defence minister, is accused of ambition and obstinacy.(ECONOMIST: Oskar Lafontaine)

8. largesse n. 慷慨援助 , 施舍 词频:2 ['lɑ:dӡesˌ'lɑ:dӡis]

例句:Will that help him amass his fortune and achieve a state of blissful financial largesse?(FORBES: Magazine Article)

9. variability n. 可变性 词频:2 [ˌvɛəriə'biliti]

近义词:adaptability / modifiability

例句:"The gene pool is really protected best by variability along that dimension, " Cacioppo said.(CNN: Feeling lonely? Genes might be at fault)

10. predictability n. 可预见性 词频:2 [priˌdiktə'biliti]

例句:GuruFocus rated America Movil Sab De Cv (adr) the business predictability rank of 3.5-star.(FORBES: Latest Picks From Hedge Fund Blue Ridge Capital)

11. forbearance n. 克制 , 忍耐 , 宽容 词频:2 [fɔ:'bɛərəns]

近义词:tolerance / possession / charity / mercy

例句:Almost all the loans are to big firms, presumably with political clout, increasing the likelihood of forbearance.(ECONOMIST: Indian banks)

12. lucubration n. 刻苦研究 , 苦心而成的著作 词频:2 [͵lju:kju(:)'breiʃən]

13. objectivity n. 客观性 , 客观现实 词频:2 [ˌɔbdӡek'tivəti]

近义词:outwardness / unemotionality

例句:Rose, who sees herself, more perceptively, as a free-market ideologue, is sceptical about scholars' objectivity.(ECONOMIST: Famous economists)

14. exaggeration n. 夸张 词频:2 [igˌzædӡə'reiʃən]

近义词:inflation / grandiosity

例句:There's hype, there's bluster, there's exaggeration and the unmistakable flicker of a new urban legend.(WSJ: Jason Gay: What Linsanity Says About New York)

15. hyperbole n. 夸张法 词频:2 [hai'pə:bəli]

例句:But all this marketing hyperbole and the device mock-up makes us just a bit skeptical, mkay?(ENGADGET: Unicon System's MBridge: probably not the "key to a computer free life")

16. magnanimity n. 宽宏大量 词频:2 [ˌmægnə'nimiti]

近义词:generosity / liberalness

例句:The opposite was the result, for with Lincoln's death, the possibility of peace with magnanimity died.(WHITEHOUSE: Abraham Lincoln)

17. dilemma n. 困境 , 进退两难 词频:2 [di'leməˌdai-]

近义词:difficulty / corner / fix / predicament

例句:One way around this dilemma is to supplement part of your portfolio with mutual funds. (FORBES: Move over, mutual funds)

18. indolence n. 懒惰 , 懒散 词频:2 ['indələns]

近义词:idleness / lassitude

例句:The euro zone can, after all, always blame the indolence of earlier Greek governments.(ECONOMIST: Charlemagne)

19. prodigality n. 浪费 , 挥霍 词频:2 [ˌprɔdi'gæliti]

近义词:abundance / waste / plenty / pregnancy / amplitude

例句:He preached austerity, yet practised prodigality, doling out favours and privileges with flair and precision.(ECONOMIST: Charles Haughey)

20. sophistication n. 老练 , 精明 , 复杂 词频:2 [səˌfsti'keiʃən]

近义词:complexity / intricacy

例句:The sophistication of these schemes has risen alongside the profit available to be made.(FORBES: The Proliferation Of Scareware Hits Home)





