To obtain an FHA mortgage for $50000 or more, the home buyer must have a down payment equal to 4 percent of the first $25000 of the mortgage amount and 5 percent of the portion in excess of $25000. At settlement the buyer pay a mortgage insurance premium equal to 3 percent of the mortgage amount. What is the maximum FHA mortgage, if any a buyer can obtain if the buyer has only $6000 available for the down payment and insurance premium?
A. $62500
B. $71875
C. $78125
D. $12500
E. The home buyer cannot obtain an FHA mortgage
题目翻译:要获得美联邦购房贷款 50.000 美金的条件是, 25000 部分的利息是 4%,超出部分是5%,房贷申请公司收3%佣金。某人手上有6000 美金,那么他能获取下面那一金额的贷款呢?这里有三个利息比例:
一。贷款金额是 25.000 美金收取 4%
二。超出部分呢收 5%
三。为你搞房贷的公司收取 3%的贷款佣金
解答: 随便选一个,比如 总数是 71.875 贷款公司收3%是2.156,25
25.000 收取 4%是 1.000
合计 5.500
计算结果是差 500. 明显就是 78.125 了。
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