"When research priorities are being set for science, education, or any other area, the most important question to consider is: How many people's lives will be improved if the results are successful?" 119. 当确定一些领域的优先 权时,比如科学、教育等,需要考虑的问题是:有多少人会从中获益? ④ 能够解决现在 urgent 社会问题的学科理所当然的应该给予优先权。如:通信,经济,商科,法律、医学。 A 哪些人会受益。B 实际证明这些学科也是兴旺发达的。优秀的学生通常都去了这些地方。。 ⑤ 有一些看起来没什么用的长期看会很有用。哲学、文学、历史、数学、物理(其它科的基础) 。 ⑥ 在研究成果没有出来之前,我们很难判断哪些是能给多人带来利益的。因此,让其平衡发展。按照经济 学的观点,那些已经兴旺发达的学科,政府不需给予太多关注,否则几年后供大于求;而那些现在默默无 闻的学科今后可能是很有用的学科,需要给予扶持。
I agree insofar as areas of research certain to result in immediate and significant benefits for society should continue to be a priority. Yet, strictly followed, the speaker’s recommendation would have a harmful chilling effect on research and new knowledge.
1. Admittedly, scientific research whose societal benefits are immediate, predictable, and profound should continue to be a high priority. 2. However, this is not to say that research whose benefits are less immediate or clear should be given lower priority. First of all, if we strictly follow the speaker’s suggestion, who would decide which areas of research are more worthwhile than others? Researchers cannot be left to decide. 3. Secondly, to compel all researchers to focus only on certain areas would be to force many to waste their true talents. 4. Thirdly, it is difficult to predict which research avenues will ultimately lead to the greatest contributions to society.