210T "Most people choose a career on the basis of such pragmatic considerations as the needs of the economy, the relative ease of finding a job, and the salary they can expect to make. Hardly anyone is free to choose a c7jareer based on his or her natural talents or interest in a particular kind of work." 210. 大多数人找工作是基于钱这种很实 际的考虑,费多大的劲找到工作,就希望拿多少薪水。很难得有人能从自己的潜质和兴趣出发去找一份特殊的 工作 ⑨ 生存需要,人们在供大于求的劳动力市场中没有什么选择。In an over-populated world, the job market is always the buyer’s market, which makes it uneasy for job seekers to choose their career at will。
⑩ 社会压力。Peer pressure, keep up with the Joneses. ⑪ 在选择工作时,实际上是做了 pragmatic consideration,也就是考虑自身所具备的真正能力。 ⑫ 随着社会进步,开始越来越欣赏人们的各种能力。如:对艺术家、哲学家的尊重。