


2019年03月20日 19:33:26来源:英语四级考试网




He's quick on the uptake. *这是一种固定说法,表示“理解吸收能力强”。

He's a fast learner.

He has a quick mind.

He catches on quickly.

他不会让你失望的。 He'll never let you down. *let down“使人期待落空”。


He's efficient. *efficient“有效的”、“效率高的”、“工作出色的”、“能力强的”。

He finished the job already. (他早就把工作做完了。)

He's efficient. (他真能干。)

He does things well and he gets them done quickly. (他工作起来又好又快。)

He gets things done efficiently. (他做事很有效率。)

He handles things quickly. (他处理事情很麻利。)

He handles matters promptly. (他处理事情很利索。)

他是个好人。 He's a good guy. / He's a good man. / He's a good person.

他显老。 He looks old for his age. *形容词+for 表示“就……而言”、“比较……”。

He's only 46. (他只有46岁。)

He looks old for his age. (他显老。)

He looks older than he is.

He looks young for his age. (他显年轻。)


You look younger than me. *从语法上来讲应该是“You look younger than I”,但美国现在一般不这么说。

We're the same age. (我们同龄吧。)

But you look younger than me. (可是你看上去比我年轻。)

You look younger than I do.

他就是那种人。 That's the way he is. / That's the kind of guy he is.

他长得像谁? Who is he like?

他有丰富的常识。 He has a lot of common sense.

他虽年轻,却很博学。 He's wise for his age. * for one's age“与年纪相比却……”

He's only ten and he made this.(他只有10岁就能做出这样的东西。)

He's wise for his age. (他虽年轻,却博学。)

He's wise considering his age.

He's wise for a man of his age.

他交际很广。 He knows a lot of people. / He's well-known.

He's very popular. (他很有人缘。)

He has a large circle of acquaintances. (他交际广泛。) *“熟悉的人,认识的人”,但和friend (朋友)不同,虽没深交,但见过面、搭过话。

他是个有才干的人。 He's a go-getter. *go-getter“有才能的人”,“干将”。

He runs a lot of business. (他有很多生意。)

Yeah, he's a go-getter. (是呀!他是个有才干的人。)

He's a man of action.

He's a man of ability.

He's a wheeler-dealer. *比较旧的说法。

你真体谅人。 You're so sympathetic. *sympathetic“同情的”、“能体谅人,体贴人的”。

他是守信用的人。 He's faithful. *faithful“对人、对工作忠诚,守信用的”。

He has a strong sense of duty.

他的嗓音低沉。 He has a deep voice. / He has a low voice. / His voice is very deep.

他发福了。 He has put on weight. / He has gained weight.

He has lost weight. (他瘦了。)

他太胖了。 He's overweight.

He's a fatso. (他是个胖猪。)

He's fat. (他很胖。)

He's skinny. (他骨瘦如柴。)


You have a lot of nerve.

Sir, I don't think you should fire John. (先生,我觉得你不该解雇约翰。)

You have a lot of nerve to say that. (你胆子不小,竟敢这么说。)

You have a lot of balls. *balls 在这里表示“厚脸皮”、“傲慢”,同时有“睾丸”的意思。所以是一种不礼貌的说法,会给人不愉快的感觉。

You have a lot of guts.

You're bold. *bold“大胆的”、“不客气的”、“力量强的”。

You're very brave. (你很勇敢。)

他是个很谦虚的人。 He's a very modest man. *modest“(要求、意见、态度、行为等)比较慎重。”

He didn't say anything. (他可什么都没说。)

He's a very modest man. (嗯,他是个很谨慎的人。)

He's very polite. (他很有教养。)

He doesn't like to brag. (他不喜欢吹牛。)

He isn't boastful. (他一点都不自负。)

他有个好脾气。 He has a good temper.

He's in a good mood. *表示“现在正好情绪不错”,和上句的语气不一样。

他这个人脾气暴躁。 He has a bad temper.

He's in a bad mood. *表示“现在碰巧情绪不好”,和上句的语气不太一样。

她不知哪儿有点怪。 There's something strange about her. / There is something fishy about her. / There is something odd about her.

她有点不太对劲儿。 She's not herself. *直译是“她不是她自己了。”

She's been edgy lately. (她近来情绪急躁。)

Yeah, she's not herself. (是的,有点儿不太对劲儿。)

She's not acting like herself.

She's not acting normally.

她真让人捉摸不透。 She's so weird. *weird“不可思议”、“变化多端”、“古怪的”。

She cut her hair very short. (她把头发剪得短短的。)

She's so weird. (真让人捉摸不透。)

She's bizarre.

She's very strange.

塔米饭量很小。 Tammy eats like a bird. *直译“塔米像鸟一样吃饭”,是人却只有小鸟那么点儿饭量。

Tammy eats like a bird. (塔米饭量很小。)

She's on a diet. (她正减肥呢。)

Tammy eats very little. (塔米只吃一点点。)

Tammy doesn't eat very much. (塔米不怎么吃。)

Tammy eats like a horse. (塔米特别能吃。)

她的身材很好。 She has a nice figure. *表示“体型”时不用style。

She has a good figure.

他已过壮年。 His best days are gone. / He's past his prime.


My father's getting on in years. *be getting on in years 为惯用语,“上年纪”。

My father's becoming an old man.

My father's getting older.

他长得什么样? What does he look like?

他们闹得天翻地覆。 They're making a big fuss. *make a fuss“大声吵闹”、“喧哗”。

They're making a big deal about it.

他抽烟抽得没完没了。 He's a chain smoker.

Does he smoke? (他抽烟吗?)

Yes, he's a chain smoker. (抽,他一抽就抽个没完。)

He's a heavy smoker.

He smokes non-stop.





