你不舒服吗? Are you feeling okay? *见到身体状况不好的人时的问话。
Do you feel all right?
你怎么了? What's wrong? *wrong “身体不舒服”。
What's wrong? (你怎么了?)
I'm not feeling well. (我觉得身体有点不对劲。)
Is anything wrong?
Are you okay?
What's the matter? *matter“问题”、“麻烦”。
Is everything all right?
你的脸色真不好。 You look pale. *pale“脸色不好的,没有血色的。”
You look pale. Are you okay? (你的脸色很难看。没事吧?)
I guess I'm just tired. (我想可能是有点儿累了。)
You don't look well. (你看上去身体不太好。)
我觉得难受。 I don't feel well.
I don't feel well. (我觉得难受。)
Please sit down for a while. (你坐会儿吧。)
I'm not feeling well.
你好像不太舒服。 You don't look well. *look“看上去……”。
You don't look well. (你好像不太舒服。)
I have a cold. (我感冒了。)
她昏过去了。 She passed out. *pass out“昏过去,失去知觉”。
我觉得难受。 I feel sick. / I don't feel well. / I feel bad.
我肚子疼。 I have a stomachache. *stomachache“胃痛,腹痛”。
I have a stomachache. (我肚子疼。)
How long have you had it? (疼多长时间了?)
I have a stomachache. (我肚子疼。)
Did you eat too much? (是不是吃多了?)
My stomach hurts.
隐隐作痛。 I have a dull pain.
钻心地疼。 I have a sharp pain.
一跳一跳地疼。 I have a throbbing pain. *throb“一跳一跳地”、“突突地跳”。
我感到巨痛。 I have a piercing pain. *pierce“(痛苦等)刺骨,刻骨”。
像针扎似地疼。 I have a stabbing pain. *stab“刺”、“针扎”。
我拉肚子了。 I have diarrhea. *diarrhea“拉肚子”。
我食物中毒了。 I have food poisoning.
血压高/低。 I have high/low blood pressure. *blood pressure“血压”。
我头疼。 I have a headache.
What happened, sir? (你怎么了?)
I have a headache. (我头疼。)
My head hurts.
My head is pounding.
I have a splitting headache. (我的头像裂了似地疼。)
我牙疼。 I have a toothache.
I have a toothache. (我牙疼。)
When did it start? (什么时候开始的?)
My tooth hurts.
My tooth is killing me. (我的牙疼死了。)
我头晕目眩。 I feel dizzy.
我浑身没劲。 I feel sluggish. / I feel tired.
我没有一点儿食欲。 I don't have any appetite. *appetite“食欲”。
I don't have any appetite. (我没有食欲。)
You should eat something. (那你也得吃点儿东西。)
I don't have much of an appetite these days. (最近我没什么食欲。)
我有点儿感冒。 I have a slight cold.
我浑身发冷。 I feel chilly.
I feel chilly. (我浑身发冷。)
Here, wear my jacket. (给,穿上我的夹克吧。)
我得了重感冒。 I have a bad cold.
鼻子堵了。 I have a stuffy nose. *stuffy 用于“鼻子不通气”的时候。
我在流鼻涕。 I have a runny nose. *runny“流鼻涕的”。
My nose is running.
My nose won't stop running.
我有点儿发烧。 I have a bit of a fever.
我好像发烧了。 I think I have a fever.
I think I have a fever. (我好像发烧了。)
Let's check. (试试表。)
我在发高烧。 I have a high temperature.
我想吐。 I feel like throwing up. / I feel nauseous.