acceleration— The rate that velocity changes per unit time and the direction it changes in. Computed from the change in velocity divided by tire change in time. Common units are meters per second squared (m/s2 )
acceleration due to gravity— The acceleration of an object that is only ACTed on by the force of the Earth's gravity. This value is given the symbol g and near the surface of the Earth it has a value of approximately 9.8 m/s2. The direction of the acceleration due to gravity is vertically downward.
accuracy— The closeness of an experimental measurement to the accepted or theoretical value.
acid— A substance that is a proton donor. The pH of an acid is less than 7.
analysis— A stage in the scientific method where patterns of observations are made.
antioxidant — any substance that inhibits oxidation, including vitamin E, vitamin C, or beta carotene, and is thought to protect the body from the damaging effects of oxidation
aqueous solution— A solution in which the solvent is water.
arteries— The vascular tissue which carries blood away from the heart.
astronomy— The study of planets, stars, and space.
atom— The smallest structure that has tire properties of an element. Atoms contain positively charged protons and uncharged neutrons in the nucleus. Negatively charged electrons orbit around the nucleus.
ATP— (Adenosine Triphosphate.)—A chemical that is considered to be the "fuel" or energy source for an organism.
atria— The chambers of the heart that receive blood.
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