

2019年01月21日 12:01:22来源:SAT考试网



When I started university in Britain in 1988, politicalcorrectness didn’t exist. If a woman tried to speak ata students’ meeting, the cry would go up, “Get yourtits out for the lads!” The ritual climax of barconversations was a double entendre abouthomosexuality. But, in 1993, I went to study in theUS and discovered PC. The American students I metdidn’t make racist, sexist or homophobic jokes.When I returned home and told British friends aboutthis strange new world, they explained that it wasbecause Americans were humourless. This wasn’tactually true. The Americans were much funnier than the Brits with their eternal gay jokes.


The attempt to shut out any views deemed undesirable has since got out of hand on some UScampuses. On recent visits I have found the policing of speech chastening. One liberal, male,feminist professor told me of a fairly anodyne analysis that he didn’t dare publish for fear ofbeing hounded as sexist. Even many liberals now want to roll back PC speech codes.



But, in fact, PC’s basic demand — respect all groups — needs to be rolled out more widely. Wenow have PC for women, and racial and sexual minorities. If we had it for the working classes,too, that could change the political climate. Two rather different politicians — Donald Trump andNelson Mandela — have shown us the outlines of a working-class PC.

但事实上,政治正确的基本诉求——尊重所有群体——需要更全面地推广。我们现在对女性、种族和性取向少数人群都讲政治正确。如果我们对工人阶层也讲政治正确,政治气候可能会发生改变。唐纳德·特朗普(DonaldTrump)和纳尔逊·曼德拉(Nelson Mandela)这两位截然不同的政界人士向我们展示了工人阶层政治正确的轮廓。

TV programmes in western countries rightly don’t make fun of blacks, gays or Jews any more,but the white working class (WWC) enjoys no such protection. A genre of “poverty porn” TV(think Benefits Street and Wife Swap in Britain) mocks the WWC as wasters enjoying theirmorning beers on the sofa.

西方国家电视节目正确地不再拿黑人、同性恋或犹太人取乐,但白人工人阶层(WWC)享受不到这种保护。英国有一类“贫穷色情”电视节目,比如《福利街》(Benefits Street)和《换妻》(Wife Swap),专门嘲讽这些白人工人阶层,把他们描绘成一大早就瘫坐在沙发上喝啤酒的废物。

The WWC are known as chavs in Britain, canis in Spain and “white trash” in the US. Chav-basedfancy-dress parties — a distant relative of “blackface parties” — enjoyed a brief fad amongBritish students. Prince William attended one while at his military academy, Sandhurst, asOwen Jones recounts in Chavs, his 2011 book on the demonisation of the working class inBritain.

白人工人阶层在英国被称为“chavs”,在西班牙被称为“canis”,在美国被称为“white trash”(白人垃圾)。Chav主题的化装舞会——“黑脸舞会”的远亲——一度在英国学生间风行。欧文·琼斯(Owen Jones)在他2011年出版的有关英国工人阶层的著作《Chavs:工人阶级的妖魔化》(Chavs: The Demonization ofthe Working Class)中提到,威廉王子(Prince William)在桑赫斯特军事学院(Sandhurst)期间就参加过这种舞会。





