


2018年08月20日 16:06:43来源:公共英语考试网



Believe it or not, going to school is not a legal(法定的) requirement in the United States. It

is a legal requirement that all kids be educated, though. When parents believe they can give their kids a better education--- or have other reasons for not wanting to send their kids to a local school --- they may choose home schooling.

However, if a kid hates school, home schooling is probably not the escape he is looking for. Home schooled students can learn just as much as they would in regular school if they and their parents work hard to cover all the subjects and experiences necessary. Parents who home school usually have higher levels of education than parents who do not. They already have the skills to educate themselves about teaching their kids.

Parents who home school have to be able to put the time and skill into not just teaching, but also researching lesson plans and resources(资源). So they have to know how to find the information necessary to teach their kids. State schools often provide home-schooling parents with a curriculum(课程), books and materials and places to meet. Some state schools will point parents to other resources for brushing up on forgotten subjects. Or parents may receive continuing education at local colleges or universities.

小题1:According to American law, _______________. A.all kids shall go to school

B.all kids must receive education

C.home schooling parents shall receive continuing education

D.state schools must give support to home-schooling parents

小题2: According to the text, most home-schooling parents________________. A.are short of moneyB.dislike schools

C.used to work as teachersD.are well-educated

小题3: Which of the following is NOT true about parents who home school?A.They should have enough time.

B.They should have some skills in teaching.

C.They must receive special curriculums at the university.

D.They have to be able to know lesson plans and resources.

小题4: The underlined phrase “brushing up on” in the last paragraph can best be replaced by _____.A.reviewingB.changing


小题5: What can be inferred from the text? A.Home schooled kids learn fewer.

B.Home schooled kids spend less time studying.

C.Being a home-schooling parent needs a lot of effort.

D.Home schooling will replaced school education.







试题分析: 美国的法律规定,不管是去学校还是在家里学习。所有的儿童都必须接受教育。一般来说选择在家里教育孩子的父母往往是受过高等教育的,而且他们还要有充足的时间,有相关的教学技能和自我学习提高的能力。

小题1:B细节理解题。根据文章首段going to school is not a legal(法定的) requirement in the United States. It is a legal requirement that all kids be educated, though.可知在美国孩子接受教育是一项法律,选B。

小题2:D细节理解题。根据文章第二段内容Parents who home school usually have higher levels of education than parents who do not可知在家里教育孩子的父母一般都是受过良好教育的,选D。

小题3:C细节理解题。根据文章第三段Parents who home school have to be able to put the time and skill into not just teaching, but also researching lesson plans and resources可知在家里教授孩子的家长必须得有时间,有教学技能而且也得了解教学计划和资源,而C选项内容文章没有涉及,选C。

小题4:A词意猜测题。根据本词后面内容forgotten subjects. Or parents may receive continuing education at local colleges or universities.可以判断此处是指学校会帮助家长复习或者学习忘记了的课程,以便更好得教给孩子们,故答案选A。






