


2019年03月21日 10:38:27来源:雅思考试网



Part 1

1.Music/singing 音乐/唱歌

What kinds of music do you like?

Did you like the same kind of music with the music you liked in the childhood?

Do you like live music?

Do you like singing?

Did you like singing in your childhood?

2.Public transports/transportation 公共交通

How do you often go to work or school?

How did you come here today?

Do you often take public transports?

What do you often do on public transports?

3.Weather & rainy days 天气/雨天

Do you like dry weather or wet weather?

Do you like rainy days?

Do you often take raincoats/umbrellas with you?

What will you do if you do not take raincoats or umbrellas with you?

How do rainy days/does such weather affect people's life?

4.Teacher (含School life) 老师(含学校生活)

Do you still remember the first day when you went to school?

Do you like your high school?

Who is the teacher you like most in your high school?

Do you want to be a teacher?

5.Sports 运动

Do you like doing sports?

Is there any other sport that you want to try in the future?

What sports do people in your country like?

Who is the most popular sportsman in your country?

What sports do you often do? Indoor or outdoor?

Do you like watching the Olympic Games?

6.Cooking 烹饪

Do you like cooking?

Is breakfast very important?

Do you prefer eating out or cooking at home? /Do you prefer to eat out or to cook at home?

Tell me something about a special meal you had last time at home.

7.letter and email & postcard书信、邮件&明信片

Do you often write letters?

Have you written any postcards?

Did you write letters when you were little? To whom?

Do you receive more letters or emails on your birthday?

Part 2

1.Describe an interesting lecture or class you took

2.Describe a place where you study/ an indoor out outdoor place where it is easy for you to study.

3.Describe a time when one of your home appliances / a piece of equipment did not work (was broken) (e.g. TV set and fridge, etc.)

4.Describe a family business you know

5.Describe an important decision that you made with the help from others

6.Describe a childhood game (you liked)

7.Describe a TV program or a film that made you laugh

8.Describe an important plant in your country/an experience when you (planted something and) watched its growing process

9.Describe a time when someone gave you money as a gift

100.Describe a time when you looked for some information on line/from the Internet

11.Describe a person (you know) who helps to protect the environment

12.Describe an interesting person who you have not met before but you want to see/know

13.Describe a teenager you know

14.Describe a time when you complained about something but were satisfied with the result.

15.Describe an interesting part of your country

16.Describe something you borrowed from your friends or family/a time when you borrowed something from your friends or family

17.Describe a time when you changed your plan

18.Describe the last book you read/ a book you read recently

19.Describe a party you went to/a party you took part in

20.Describe a foreign language that you want to learn (not English)

21.Describe a good law in your country

22.A time when you had some medicine





