


2019年01月03日 11:58:41来源:雅思考试网



1-4 月新题预测

Part 1 新题

天 下雨天 Rainy(new)

1. Do you like rainy days? I love rain. I like the way it sounds and I like looking at it falling from the sky. I love a nice rainy day where the rain comes down steadily or lightly and soaks into the ground.

Don't get me started, I soooo dislike them, as they make me feel miserable and grumpy. Give me sunshine any day!

2. What do you do on rainy days?

If it rains a lot, I open the windows and like to hear the sound of rain and try to feel the water drops being inside. I like to have hot coffee also and enjoy it when it rains all day long. Normally I do not switch on my PC much on rainy days, rather I like to watch TV on that time.

I get wet running around in the rain like a little kid! I love it!! Plus, I call up the pizza place and make them deliver it in the pouring rain.

3. What is the importance of the rainfall?

Rain is so important us. It irrigates our crops, it gives us water our body needs. It washes away dirt and impurities, and it's fun to play in.Without water, no living thing can survive.

Rain is very important to farms to make sure that the crops that are being grown receive the right amount of moisture so that the crops harvested are maximized.

音 噪音 noise(new)

1. What natural sound(s) do you like (the most)?(Why?)

I like chirping. Birds' chirping always cheers me up in the morning.

2. What sounds do you dislike? (Why?)

I hate the sounds made by finger nails on chalk board because it annoys me and make me feel nervous.

3. What sounds remind you of your childhood?

I remember when I was a kid and I visited my grandparents' house every summer, the sound of their screen door opening brings my mind back to those times in my life.

4. What (kinds of) music do you like the most?

I love all kinds of music, mostly alternative rock, rap and pop. They are popular among young people, making them feel energetic and cool.

5. Does your school have any quiet places for studying?

I absolutely love libraries. Every time I am in library I can study efficiently and effectively.Moreover, there are a lot of reading materials available which brings convenience to the research.

6. What are some places where there is a lot of noise?

I live in the centre of the city. Every day l struggle with noise making by the cars which makes me headaches and nervous. I can't sleep well so I am going to buy some ear plugs and hopes they work me magic.

7. Do you mind noises? (Do any noises bother you?)

Yes. There is a lot of noise outside my room. I can't avoid it although I shut my door. I can't focus on anything so I need some techniques to tackle this problem of noise pollution.

8. What type of noise do you come across in your daily life?

Loud music on the street and the noise made by cars, trams and phone calls are all noise I can'tstand. Also, people talking constantly drive me nuts. I think the world s getting noisier, I know it is harder to find a quiet place anymore,

物 植物 plant(new)

1, Do you like to have plant in your home?

2, Who takes care of the plant at your home?

3, Do you know how to take care of the plant?

4, Do you want to receive plant as a present?

1, Do you like to have plant in your home?

I really 1ove that. But to be honest, I don't have the big yard or balcony to keep the plants due to the limited space in the city. However, I have bought small cactus as the decoration in mystudy. Someone told me it can help reduce radiation from electronic devices.

2. Who takes care of the plant atyour home?

My mother takes that job. In the morning, she wil water the flowers and move them to the warm place with much sunshine

3, Do you know how to take care of the plant?

Actually, I am not sure about this, but I suppose the growth of a plant needs sufficient water and sunshine.Also, the soil condition is very important.

4, Do you want to receive plants as a present?

Yes, I like the plant as gifts from my friends, especially when I move to a newplace. You know, there are good blessings behind the green;plants like Pachira, also called as money tree and succulent plants, as they symbolize the lasting survival of the new trend





